
Too cold or too hot

As much as I love the sunshine. I definitely prefer feeling cold and warming up in blankets getting cosy than being roasting hot trying to cool down!
7 months

Too cold or too hot

ssbbw summer more like ssbbw winter smiley

I completely agree better to have to put on layers than to take off to keep cool!
7 months

Too cold or too hot

When we started dating, SHE had a terrible issue where her body temperature was dangerously low. We went on dates, and suddenly she 'd faint and get seriously ill. Her gut was getting too cold. She hard to wear special girdles to keep her tummy warm.

Not anymore.
With my loving care, she's become so fat she hasn't thought about keeping warm in years. Her blubber does all the work for her and she's thrown all her girdles away.
7 months

Too cold or too hot

I've always been more comfortable during the fall/winter than in the warmer months.
7 months

Too cold or too hot

I prefer the cold. You're at home, warm, with a blanket over your head and a hot chocolate in your hand. The cold is cozier (?) idk
7 months

Too cold or too hot

I think the best thing about the winter is a good excuse to have mulled wine anytime of the day!
7 months

Too cold or too hot

Yea the heat sucks. Moving to a colder part of the country has helped me our, as well as when I fatten up a women the cold weather helps too being inside all warm and eating fattening foods, while it's below zero outside.
7 months

Too cold or too hot

Yea the heat sucks. Moving to a colder part of the country has helped me our, as well as when I fatten up a women the cold weather helps too being inside all warm and eating fattening foods, while it's below zero outside.

I'm so used to freedom units that the below zero thing made me do a double take.
7 months

Too cold or too hot

ugh the heat sucks, it’s so easy to warm up but staying cool during summer is so difficult. it’s gross, sweaty, uncomfortable and my body just can’t deal with it 😭 used to be able to, not so much anymore. would much rather be almost freezing to death than be sweltering and sweating balls

Amen to that sister
7 months

Too cold or too hot

ugh the heat sucks, it’s so easy to warm up but staying cool during summer is so difficult. it’s gross, sweaty, uncomfortable and my body just can’t deal with it 😭 used to be able to, not so much anymore. would much rather be almost freezing to death than be sweltering and sweating balls

Amen to that sister
7 months
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