Lifestyle tips

Medical concerns

Good Morning,

I’ve found a few similar discussions but nothing as blunt as I want to present this.

I know there are people into the grim aspects that this lifestyle can present on the medical front. I am not personally into that. It’s a bit scary to me and the reason I have stopped a couple times.

How are you managing health consequences? Is it something you just accept? Or is there something you do to put a band aid on it? I’m not really sure how to balance my desire to continue to gain and the increased medical risk that accompanies that.

Please share your thoughts or experiences.

Thank you,

There are a few things you can do.

1. Eat a balanced yet high-calorie diet.
2. Do light to moderate exercise.
3. Pace your weight gain. Give your body time to process things.
4. Do not avoid going to the doctor.
6 months

Medical concerns

I think that some people are perhaps into more extreme gains than others. Dealing with health consequences is much more of an issue for the more extreme gains. Going from thin or average to somewhat plump is much less of an issue, especially if one takes regular exercise and eats well generally.
6 months

Medical concerns

Genetics and age play into things like high blood pressure and cholesterol. Everyone is different
6 months

Medical concerns

Letters And Numbers:
Genetics and age play into things like high blood pressure and cholesterol. Everyone is different

All true. However, eating too much salt and saturated fats won't help no matter your genetics and age.
6 months

Medical concerns

Letters And Numbers:
Genetics and age play into things like high blood pressure and cholesterol. Everyone is different

All true. However, eating too much salt and saturated fats won't help no matter your genetics and age.

Again, everyone is different. I put salt on my food until I can see it and eat a very unhealthy diet for the most part and have perfect blood pressure. My parter eats a low fat, low sodium diet and has hypertension and high cholesterol. Fortunately, blood pressure and cholesterol issues are two of the easiest things to diagnose at annual checkups. And treatable (although losing weight is often the easiest fix).
6 months

Medical concerns

Letters And Numbers:
Genetics and age play into things like high blood pressure and cholesterol. Everyone is different

All true. However, eating too much salt and saturated fats won't help no matter your genetics and age.

Letters And Numbers:
Again, everyone is different. I put salt on my food until I can see it and eat a very unhealthy diet for the most part and have perfect blood pressure. My parter eats a low fat, low sodium diet and has hypertension and high cholesterol. Fortunately, blood pressure and cholesterol issues are two of the easiest things to diagnose at annual checkups. And treatable (although losing weight is often the easiest fix).

A valid point. I have relatives that eat like shit but are generally healthy. And I have relatives that take good care of themselves but have heart attacks.
6 months

Medical concerns

Letters And Numbers:
Genetics and age play into things like high blood pressure and cholesterol. Everyone is different

All true. However, eating too much salt and saturated fats won't help no matter your genetics and age.

Letters And Numbers:
Again, everyone is different. I put salt on my food until I can see it and eat a very unhealthy diet for the most part and have perfect blood pressure. My parter eats a low fat, low sodium diet and has hypertension and high cholesterol. Fortunately, blood pressure and cholesterol issues are two of the easiest things to diagnose at annual checkups. And treatable (although losing weight is often the easiest fix).

Mr Smith:
Some smokers live past 100 does that mean smoking isn't unhealthy?

I didn’t say anything close to that. I said some people have a genetic/hereditary predisposition to conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Although there is definitely a genetic component to some kinds of cancer, too.
6 months

Medical concerns

Going back to the topic at hand. Is there any practical advice anyone has for maintaining some health whilst gaining

Balanced diet is a good point

I run a pub so get little time to look after myself. I need to start though.

Anyone able to offer advice?
6 months

Medical concerns

I highly recommend vitamins from Holland & Barrett. There's lots of vitamins for the heart, lungs, whole immune system. Vitamin B, D & C are important too. You could also just get multivitamins which means just one pill a day. Being 500 pounds & into gaining I swear by vitamins. I feel like they keep my organs going.
6 months

Medical concerns

Lots of water! Don’t forget
6 months
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