
Bbw events uk

For those who are curious about my journey, it will be a trainjourney. Going by train to Rotterdam, Bruxxels and then London. In London, I'll take the Caledonian Sleeper to Fort William and take from there the train to Mallaig (route of the Hogward Express) and back to Fort William. The next day (day 3 of my journey) I will go from Fort William to Birmingham with train changes in Glasgow and Preston. On sunday afternoon, I'll go from Birmingham to Plymouth and then to Penzance.
Going back home to Groningen (NL) I will have a sleepover stop in Reading (When I planned it, London hotelprices went through the roof..)
4 months

Bbw events uk

Ten years ago there was quite a good scene in the UK

That’s absolutely perfect. 10 years ago when I was very active in the community but had no money. And now I’ve got a good job and still a decent amount of free time, there is nothing 🤣 Alanis would call that “ironic” (but she’d be wrong).

Anyway, I’ll definitely show my face at a UK event. I’m pretty far north but I’d make the effort to attend one in London, for example. Or wherever. I’ve no time to arrange an event though so I’ll just keep an eye on the forums.
4 months
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