Story authors

70% of american soldiers are obese or overweight

saw this and was immediately like “how isn’t this an ff story”

Maybe this is a Russian spy’s scheme to weaken the US military? 🤔🤭
11 months

70% of american soldiers are obese or overweight


saw this and was immediately like “how isn’t this an ff story”

Maybe this is a Russian spy’s scheme to weaken the US military? 🤔🤭

I was hoping for a funnier headline from the Post, but idk if a serious headline makes the story any more legit.

What would the hook be for a WG story?
11 months

70% of american soldiers are obese or overweight


saw this and was immediately like “how isn’t this an ff story”

Maybe this is a Russian spy’s scheme to weaken the US military? 🤔🤭

Army brat here. I can assure you this is legit. That said, they can still mess you up, so I won't say they are weak.
11 months

70% of american soldiers are obese or overweight


saw this and was immediately like “how isn’t this an ff story”

Maybe this is a Russian spy’s scheme to weaken the US military? 🤔🤭

They're using "BMI" as the main tool for this. Which is safe to say that it is a bullshit measure. Granted there is a large amount of overweight soldiers by body fat composition, but I'd say a big number can also be some guys who are just "workout warriors" that by BMI would be considered obese.
11 months

70% of american soldiers are obese or overweight


saw this and was immediately like “how isn’t this an ff story”

Maybe this is a Russian spy’s scheme to weaken the US military? 🤔🤭

They're using "BMI" as the main tool for this. Which is safe to say that it is a bullshit measure. Granted there is a large amount of overweight soldiers by body fat composition, but I'd say a big number can also be some guys who are just "workout warriors" that by BMI would be considered obese.

This is true. Your average soldier need to carry heavy things for a good distance. Naturally, you pick up muscle to do this - especially if you are active duty.
11 months

70% of american soldiers are obese or overweight

A lot of desk jobs in the military too, though. Especially Army, I’d say.
11 months

70% of american soldiers are obese or overweight

Letters And Numbers:
A lot of desk jobs in the military too, though. Especially Army, I’d say.

Still gotta go to PT with a desk job.
11 months

70% of american soldiers are obese or overweight


saw this and was immediately like “how isn’t this an ff story”

Maybe this is a Russian spy’s scheme to weaken the US military? 🤔🤭

they probbly look at BMI

you get messed but BMI from pumping iron too much as it based off weight vs high

also have a some weight on you doesnt mean you cant run or fight if you can carry the weight you can be a effective.

knifes and shrapnel cant get to your organs as well you have more mass meaning that you throw smaller people around.

also if supply lines get thin they can take a bigger cut to food to they have fat to keep them running with less food.

if anything being bigger would be effective for combat as long your not passing 300 pounds.

also the brass probs on bigger sizes as well non combaters such techies and meds.
10 months

70% of american soldiers are obese or overweight

I agree that this is most likely a "BMI" issue. I was in the military reserves for 25 yrs. We were weighed and measured twice a year and had to take and pass mandatory PT tests too.
It was harder to maintain the required weight being in the reserves, as the active duty people were given time daily to workout.
I retired in 2013, since then I have gained around thirty pounds, and I love it!
10 months