
The truth (husband not an fa)

I will never understand why people keep private journals. They're literally just asking for someone to read it. I mean, you know your own thoughts and feelings inside your head, so why would you need to write it down; unless you wanted someone to read it then say "how dare you invade the privacy of my own thoughts."

That aside, I think the real question is can two people who are not each other's ultimate desire of attraction form a happy, healthy, and stable relationship together? There are only so many 10s in the world. The fact that he had to put that on his profile to get a date with someone, anyone, means he knew he was going to have to and was willing to settle for something less than his ultimate desire.
Are you still attracted to him? You must have been in the beginning since you messaged him. Did you really think you were going to get everything perfect with no downsides? I think he accepts the fact that you are and will probably always be fat. Maybe he doesn't love it, but he accepts it and has for the last eight years. I don't love that my car is old, slow, and leaking oil. But I do accept it because it's reliable, paid for, and I don't have to worry about scratching the paint.
Ultimately, I think this is necessarily how most relationships will end up. Finding a balance and stability with someone who wasn't really our first choice. The difference is most of us don't journal about it to tell our partners.

6 months
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