Lifestyle tips

Struggling to motivate self to eat

I’ve been trying to gain for a few years now, and every-time I begin to get into it i get distracted or end up loosing my motivation to eat.

Im looking for any advice on how to make food more desirable when it’s not really something i get joy from.

I know I want to get much much bigger it’s just been a struggle and i’d appreciate any feedback.
10 months

Struggling to motivate self to eat

That’s tough I couldn’t imagine getting fat without an insatiable gluttony and loving to eat. What’s your favorite thing to eat? Have you tried a lot of different foods? Im not sure what your situation is but I know for me it’s was kinda tough when I was in college and having to choose what I spent money on I know for me food wasn’t a top option at the time it wasn’t until I was working full time I felt like I could indulge freely
10 months

Struggling to motivate self to eat

Here's a thread that might interest you
10 months

Struggling to motivate self to eat

I like to use a calorie counting app, OP. It's easy to plug in how much I've eaten, because it does all the math for you. Eat another serving of ice cream? Just change the number. It's fun to see the calories tick up during the day. I enter the food while I'm eating it, brings so much pleasure to know how many calories something is... And you can target foods that are higher in calories. Good luck!
10 months

Struggling to motivate self to eat

I’ve been trying to gain for a few years now, and every-time I begin to get into it i get distracted or end up loosing my motivation to eat.

Im looking for any advice on how to make food more desirable when it’s not really something i get joy from.

I know I want to get much much bigger it’s just been a struggle and i’d appreciate any feedback.

Always have snacks on hand. Get the good stuff, and get a variety of options. It's fun, it stimulates the brain (assuming you have ADHD or are neuro-divergent), and it's easier to eat a bunch of treats than it is to stuff yourself.
10 months

Struggling to motivate self to eat

I’m facing the same challenge … eating enough to be gaining. I do love food but there are times I just don’t, can’t, or want to eat.

I make FatBoy Shakes: 1 cup whole milk, a Boost Plus, 1/2 cup heavy cream, a scoop of whey protein for almost 1,100 calories. I can add ice cream, pb, banana for more calories.

I work in a very busy supermarket deli, so I get to graze on the slicers for what we overcut … cheeses, salami, ham, turkey, etc. The cheeses and salami are the most caloric. I also have a couple of donuts or pastries from our bakery, or mac ‘n cheese and mashed potatoes on my breaks. I put butter in my coffee and eat plain butter with honey or orange marmalade. This constant snacking and grazing is finally making me gain faster.

Like someone else said, keep high calorie snacks handy.
10 months

Struggling to motivate self to eat

I’m facing the same challenge … eating enough to be gaining. I do love food but there are times I just don’t, can’t, or want to eat.

I make FatBoy Shakes: 1 cup whole milk, a Boost Plus, 1/2 cup heavy cream, a scoop of whey protein for almost 1,100 calories. I can add ice cream, pb, banana for more calories.

I work in a very busy supermarket deli, so I get to graze on the slicers for what we overcut … cheeses, salami, ham, turkey, etc. The cheeses and salami are the most caloric. I also have a couple of donuts or pastries from our bakery, or mac ‘n cheese and mashed potatoes on my breaks. I put butter in my coffee and eat plain butter with honey or orange marmalade. This constant snacking and grazing is finally making me gain faster.

Like someone else said, keep high calorie snacks handy.

The Fatboy shakes might be helpful to people who have a healthy appetite. Unfortunately, they would not work for him. The ingredients are high calorie, but they are also filling. Ironically, he's more likely to eat less with such shakes than more.

The challenge isn't getting him to eat a boatload of calories. The challenge is getting him to eat the daily recommended amount of calories. Once that's been conquered, he can try the other stuff.
10 months

Struggling to motivate self to eat

The higher density calorie foods are for me so much better shakes always bloat me and sometimes cause digestion problems I’ve found that snacking has been best for adding the lbs while watching telly or listening to music before you know it those savoury treats or sweet snacks are gone and you’re still hungry I had some sausage rolls the other day each tiny sausage roll was 200 cals plus loaded with fat I know without doubt having had 12 that I could have tripled that snacking throughout the day that’s over 7000 cals just snacking tho the wind from 12 was a lot and I should imagine doing that regularly would leave me constipated though that’s guess work

Gotta have some fiber in your diet. Keeps things regular. At the very least, get you some Miralax. It has no taste and you can put it in any beverage.
10 months