Lifestyle tips

How to eat big amount of food

Hello. I need some help by experienced gainers and feeders. What is the best way to eat big amount of food? And main question is: Is better to consume food fast or slow? Like if I can eat more food when I’ll be eat fast or slow. And how many fats do you have in your diet daily? And if you have some another tips please tell me.
4 months

How to eat big amount of food

Hello. I need some help by experienced gainers and feeders. What is the best way to eat big amount of food? And main question is: Is better to consume food fast or slow? Like if I can eat more food when I’ll be eat fast or slow. And how many fats do you have in your diet daily? And if you have some another tips please tell me.

Don't worry about it too much one way or the other - especially when you are just starting out. Make eating fun, and you'll be eating a lot of food in no time.
4 months

How to eat big amount of food

I don’t mean this in a mean way or to be dismissive but people always ask how do I get fat and it’s really simple it’s like people have never eaten before! Just eat, eat then eat some more! There’s no tricks or gimmicks just eat more calories than you burn (ideally zero calories with then exception of your base metabolic rate)

Stay consistent in your eating it’ll get easier as your stomach expands as well as you grow. massive fatty meals are fun don’t get me wrong but you can’t do them often or consistently if you’re just starting out and can hardly fit normal portions. Bigger point is to enjoy the process savior your food, it does yourself a disservice if you eat so much one meal and then you can’t even eat something at the next meal or the next day or what have you. But I mean play around with it indulge your cravings sometimes your eyes are bigger than your stomach even at someone my size it happens but these are fun
4 months

How to eat big amount of food

The easiest way I know is to not think about anything else but just enjoy eating.. I think that is called mindless gluttony. If you don't think about what you are doing you always eat more. I did it once and I devoured 4 boxes of a dozen doughnuts.
4 months

How to eat big amount of food

Actually now that I think about it. It was 4 boxes of six doughnuts. Sorry about that
4 months