Fat experiences

Had a super fast 60lb gain

I think the only way you could gain this kind of weight unintentionally, other than what Munchies already described, is if you were already fat and accustomed to eating enormous amounts of food everyday. At one point, I was eating so much, 10,000 calories was a moderate day. I didn't feel like I was trying to gain. I was just eating a lot, and I kept blowing up. That takes time to work up that kind of capacity though. I can't imagine an average weight person putting on 60 lb in 3 months without meaning to do it.

I was thinking of you when I posted my last comment. I was going to post it without the last paragraph, but then I was like, "BigBallBellyGirl could gain 60 lbs in 3 to 4 months accidentally." And then I tacked on the last paragraph.

It's true. 🤣 It's what happens when you eat so much, for so long, enough food to feed a family of five in a day becomes your norm.

Since I'm maintaining now, I kind of miss it from time to time. Sighhh...

Feel that. My partner hasn't been gaining for about a year now. And while neither of us st it, and I don't care how big or small he is, we both miss the extreme stuffing sessions we used to do all the time. Honestly, it was more enjoyable than all the weight he gained.

Oh well. It's on the to-do list for later this year.

I get that. I definitely miss massive extreme stuffings, where we would push until I was way beyond capacity, and then push some more. It's a huge turn-ons for both my fiance and me. But being able to enjoy our lives together is more important, and because I put on SO MUCH so quickly and was stuffed 24/7, all kinds of health and mobility issues popped up. We had an understanding before hand and open conversations throughout, and he always said he'd be happy if I got to 600 or lost to 400, 300, or less. At the moment, I'm doing okay at 525. I've been more physically active, and I've been eating more clean food. At some point, we'd both love to do another massive stuffing like the 90,000 calories I ate over 2 days last Thanksgiving, but it will have to wait, just like your partner is taking a break. I don't think we talk about that enough as a community. For the vast majority of gainers, life, health, and mobility do impose a cap. It's not all eating, growing, and stuffing all the time. There are breaks and sometimes necessary losses. Sometimes, people into this treat those periods as a weakness, or a disappointment, but they're not. And they're necessary. A good partner, like you or like my fiance, appreciates and respects that.
2 months

Had a super fast 60lb gain

My other half is about up to 345 now and has been content with gaining gradually. She was about 270 when we met 10 years ago. So that’s what, 75 pounds in 10 years? We help each other enjoy food and getting and staying fat together :-)
2 months
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