
I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

This is off topic but...

If I knew a cute feeder was working at one just behind the counter, I might occasionally order something like that on purpose. But instead, maybe the hot chocolate.

I'd also make a point of sitting inside, and rub my gut on purpose while gulping down the entire thing, making sure the feeder is able to see it, just to tease.

You just have fun with them others.
2 months

I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

What I say to nosy questions:

"Why do you ask?"

However they answer that, respond by saying "have a nice day" as you walk out the door.
2 months

I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

Ex Jock:
It’s weird that the barista would say something, but yeah either own it and enjoy coming back fatter after months of the regular order, or just continue to order it realizing outside of Starbucks you will never see this person again and don’t need their approval or care about their impression of you. Easier said than done I know, but it’s still true

Yep, it will get easier each time and they will need less and less explanation.
2 months

I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

What I say to nosy questions:

"Why do you ask?"

However they answer that, respond by saying "have a nice day" as you walk out the door.

Great policy! 😁
2 months

I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

This shake sounds pretty amazing. I don’t go to Starbucks much but I would definitely consider trying it.
2 months

I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

Are you actually going to drink that?

That's why I ordered it...

Nope, I like throwing money away...

Yes, do you want to watch?

Yes, do you want one, too?

I decided to get it but in Grande form frist and work my way up to Vinti later down the road and frist taste and it's better than I thought.
Might be very addictive for me.
2 months

I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

A few weeks ago, I discovered the most delicious drink at Starbucks: an iced matcha latte with heavy cream and no ice. A venti is easily over 2000 calories and it tastes exactly like melted green tea ice cream, which I love. I’ve had melted ice cream in the past, but it’s hard to do discretely at home with roommates. This is so much easier and has way more calories.

To try to be discrete, I do a mobile order and just pick up my drink with little to no interaction with the baristas. However, today the barista asked me if I was actually going to drink it. I was super embarrassed and made up a quick lie about it being for some prank video.

Now im at a crossroads. I’ve never been able to drink as much heavy cream as easily (due to both taste and convenience). But I’m afraid of getting called out by a barista again.

What should I do ?

Omg I didn't know they had an option to put it in your drink there that's so good! Tbh I'm absolutely shameless when it comes to ordering on fast food apps like I will make 3 separate orders without caring 🤣 so I'd just get what you want and not care about them!
2 months

I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

I can't wait to try that!
2 months

I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

Can’t wait to make it a usual, but just ignore the noise, be happier and yourself. Just keep wobbling in and order your drink, be proud and order with extra extra heavy cream
2 months

I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

Well hey if anything good came out of this for sure, you gave me a great idea for extremely decadent hot chocolate.
2 months
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