
What others say as you gain/what you tell them

Was wondering what experiences people have had as they’ve gained weight when it comes to the attention of others like friends and family.

What experiences have you had when confronted or commented to/about

What have you told them or others about the bigger, better you?
2 weeks

What others say as you gain/what you tell them

I haven't had much people mention my increasing weight to me, other than some folks at the gym i know when I do go (I'm usually bigger each time lol) Or family and friends i haven't seen in a long time.

I usually just joke it off, and don't make a big deal about, as long as I'm happy that's all that matters
2 weeks

What others say as you gain/what you tell them

Was wondering what experiences people have had as they’ve gained weight when it comes to the attention of others like friends and family.

What experiences have you had when confronted or commented to/about

What have you told them or others about the bigger, better you?

I got actively fat shamed by father one time and I kinda layed the law down how that behavior wouldn’t be tolerated and that I’m an adult and I wouldn’t allow him to pick on me. I haven’t had to whip that card out again on anyone but if you set boundaries people will generally respect them.

a lot of the times you can tell it’s just gentle ribbing but I mean everyone has different tolerances for stuff like that maybe for you it’s a complete no go so just gotta set those boundaries with people.

I used to get man boob flipped by this one guy at work and I told my boss if he did it one more time I’d ensure that he didn’t have teeth to chew food for the rest of his life and he doesn’t titty flip me anymore, might be an extreme example lol
1 week