
How would this experiment go?

Can you upload the story?

Just go to Deviantart. It's free.
7 months

How would this experiment go?

Doc, where can we find all your stories? I’d love to read them all again. You were my favorite writer decades back. I don’t remember this one with the flag.

My old site is down, but you can find some of the stories

The one with the flag and a couple of others are new and on Deviantart.
7 months

How would this experiment go?

How about this feedist flag shirt? (From a story written by me, illustrated by CyrelleX, and posted on DeviantArt):

I’m imagining this flag on everything from trucker’s caps to bikinis to barbecue aprons.

Sounds like a business to me! Go for it. If people were afraid to wear them they could just say they liked the colors and didn't know what it meant. smiley
7 months

How would this experiment go?

How about this feedist flag shirt? (From a story written by me, illustrated by CyrelleX, and posted on DeviantArt):

That's such a cute design!
7 months

How would this experiment go?

I think it's a fun idea! It's like flagging! You could also do stuff like socks and aprons as well as other items that are more seen around the house as a good option for those who are too shy or just want to keep it in the house. You could maybe use redbubble, at least to start off maybe.

I always thought a heart shaped strawberry on neapolitan ice cream with a black background would be nice, or a black hoodie/jumper with the flag stripes on the outside of the sleeves
7 months

How would this experiment go?

Hey man go for it I could see this being something fun.
7 months

How would this experiment go?

Doc, where can we find all your stories? I’d love to read them all again. You were my favorite writer decades back. I don’t remember this one with the flag.

My old site is down, but you can find some of the stories

The one with the flag and a couple of others are new and on Deviantart.

can you post a link to your page I can't seem to find you with the search function
btw your stories are so fun!
7 months

How would this experiment go?

I’d wear it when I went to the gym. Just to be a persistent temptation

HAHA frickin genius!! I might write a story like this, ftl
6 months

How would this experiment go?

Sell the shirts one size to small so everyone has tummy popping out
6 months

How would this experiment go?

Morbidly A Beast:
Sell the shirts one size to small so everyone has tummy popping out

Offer qty discount. Buy 3 different sizes get half off.
6 months
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