Lifestyle tips

How to deal with people's reactions

I have been doing belly filling for a really long time. I am now 18 and have been doing it since I was 13 or so and I am now being told more and more often that I should start exercising because I am feeling forced, what should I do now and how should I do it? I respond and deal with it?
6 months

How to deal with people's reactions

You are an adult now and can make decisions for yourself say that.

Nobody thinks it’s on purpose unless you tell them, to them they are just concerned tell them to mind their own business
6 months

How to deal with people's reactions

I literally was wondering about the same thing. But it is true, they cannot ask questions about why you are getting big because that will be rude.

I’m blaming my gain on being depressed. No one is going to question it if they know I have been depressed. And if they do, I’ll say I found comfort in food.

I wouldn’t even bother saying that unless you feel like you owe people an explanation, I don’t think you do I can tell you that an explication never comes up, like people will not ask “why are you fat now?” At most people will rib you for your increased appetite/ offer unsolicited diet advice/tip toe around asking you what size you need for clothing for like presents.

i can tell you I can count on one hand the times my weight was mentioned and I’ve gained 300 lbs. it’s really not the big deal people make it out to be. Can’t stress it enough.

You think oh these people will def say something I haven’t seen them since I gained x amount of weight, will not come up. Unless you’re dealing with a genuinely fatphobic person.
6 months

How to deal with people's reactions

I have been doing belly filling for a really long time. I am now 18 and have been doing it since I was 13 or so and I am now being told more and more often that I should start exercising because I am feeling forced, what should I do now and how should I do it? I respond and deal with it?
if its like your parents or family i would not know but others just say wel yea i can enjoy my whole day and not worry about not enjoying food
6 months

How to deal with people's reactions

Morbidly A Beast:
You are an adult now and can make decisions for yourself say that.

Nobody thinks it’s on purpose unless you tell them, to them they are just concerned tell them to mind their own business

Good advice! You really don’t owe anyone an explanation about your body and your eating habits!
6 months

How to deal with people's reactions

Also you can just straight up lie to people and say yeah I know ive been trying to diet/exercise, and unless they are one of these health nut types they’ll leave you alone

Just today I got a “damn bro you look huge you’ve been going to the gym” comments - I just laughed and said yup 3 times a day gotta stay fit and that was it
6 months

How to deal with people's reactions

I’ve noticed that my girlfriend would get most of the comments back in the days, as she was growing from the low 200s to the high 300s. Friends and family were genuinely worried and wanted her to get back to a “healthier” weight. I’d say at around 380 was their last attempt to save her. Past 400, they gradually stopped commenting, especially as she was getting closer to the weight she is now, of 565. It is as if they know that not much can be done at this stage and gave up hope. They don’t even know her stats or that she has truly gotten into the gaining fetish although i believe they suspect of my feeder tendencies
6 months

How to deal with people's reactions

The first year or so of gaining I had a lot of friends and family try to intervene but eventually they gave up when they realized I wasn't going to get smaller.

As long as you are happy and healthy that's all that matters.
5 months

How to deal with people's reactions

At first, people's reactions bothered me but I enjoy it more and more. It means my efforts are working. I dislike having to lie about trying to lose weight but nobody would ever understand or accept it. I try to remember that they care for me even if their words can hurt.
5 months