
Western canada meetup?

Anyone here from western Canada (Victoria or Vancouver?)
Hoping to do a community meetup one day.
I'm Canadian Fatsexual on most other apps. Used to be here a decade ago another another name. Looking for fat and feeder/kink positive friends.
1 month

Western canada meetup?

I'm in Victoria!
1 month

Western canada meetup?

Idk if this post is still active, but I'm in Vancouver and would love to do a meetup
1 month

Western canada meetup?

Yep, I'm still here. I check feabie/Tumblr/my kink insta a lot more but I'm trying to check here more often too. Despite the clunky nature of the site lol.
I've found 2 locals in feabie I've hung out with locally in Victoria so add another one and someone from Vancouver and we have 5. Which just might be a Canadian record 🤣
1 month

Western canada meetup?

Haha I think you might be right about that record. Not that I would know, of course. I also check feabie/tumblr a lot more than here. The messaging systems are just easier to use.
1 month

Western canada meetup?

Yeah this messaging feature sucks. Only come here for the stories generally.
But yes I had 3 members of feabie in the same house last week which was amazing!!
Follow me on there canadianfatsexual and if you guys ever come to vic we can get coffee
1 month

Western canada meetup?

For sure, and thanks! I'm HermesDraws on feabie, too. And if you ever find yourself in Vancouver the coffee invitation is also extended.
1 month

Western canada meetup?

Close neighbors to your south also invited? 😋
2 weeks

Western canada meetup?

2 weeks