Extreme obesity

It's enough

You've still been reported.

And we look out for vulnerable people. We do not encourage their continued misery. If you really are a fellow hedonist and not a predator, you would know that.

Your looking out sounds a lot like simping. I've also reported you for your harassment.

Lads, is it simping to give advice to woman who asked for advice on the Internet?

No, it's putting on a performance.

Hm. If the FBI looked through your computer, would they find anything legally interesting?

Sadly for them, that poor fucker would be bored as hell.

Just people too big eating too much cake.

We both know you don't stop at that.

My sources also tell me you are ... known to admin. And not for the best of reasons.

Oh yeah?

Yes. I'm shocked you didn't know.

You realize that you are the aggressor here?

I'm not, actually. This whole thing started when you told a woman struggling with an eating disorder to keep eating despite knowing this would kill her.

You wished for this woman's death despite her making it very clear she is not a death feedee.

And when several people told you to leave her alone, you persisted. That is harassment. Do you think I reported you for harassing me? I reported you for harassing her.

We women have to look out for each other because men like you make it dangerous for us.

I am grateful that two other men stepped up to defend her, too. Because that shows that you are the one being the problem. This isn't a case of some overly sensitive woman not understanding how men are. This is a you being a creep thing.

Be better.

I am not involved in this so i won't speak specifically as I'm late to the thread. But i just felt moved to say a thing or two on the general vibe. Munchies, i see your advice to people since following you. And you give solid, genuine and sincere advice when it's asked. You definitely don't harass anyone. You're right, women gotta watch out for each other as many of us men on , especially, the internet grow Texas sized balls(metaphorically) when talking to women. And having grown up around ONLY women in my household and seeing them have to deal with it all, i appreciate your sincere approach to everyone and your encouragement to do what THEY think is best for them. Society over sexualizes women in general into thinking they must be skinny to be hot. They market clothes that are an xl that is actually a freaking medium. That they have to be slutty to be cool and that is ok of a guy, or any gender, can talk to them however they want simply because they're women. Don't even get me started on how women are treated in the workplace...I try to stick up for women, or anyone really, any time u get the chance when i see a vulnerable person getting subjected to behavior that only hurts their self worth. Women shouldn't be protected because they're women. They should be protected because they're freaking human, and because nobody deserves to be harassed or berated for ANY reason. And i see you following that narrative is sonly giving great advice and encouraging anyone to really take care of what they need and want first. And you're right, it was very refreshing to see been m Men sticking up for her as well. I absolutely love when o get to see that. Thank you for being a fair and objective sounding board for those that ask and a good example for those be to the site like myself. Good form, ma'am, Good form. đź‘Ź đź‘Ź. And to everyone else that stepped in as well. I see this is a very supportive site and not at all what i thought at first. I've been receiving support from someone on here that they don't even realize how much they're helping me. But the open arms policy they've exhibited had really been eye opening. I hope everyone here on this thread, mostly, is having a great day and too the OP, u got the support of many. You now have your own army of friend soldiers to have your back. Me included.
Sorry for the long winded response, i hope there's not too many auto correct fails. You ask have a splendid day from some old chubby guy from California. One love all, one love.
5 days

It's enough

A big thank you to everyone on this forum who has supported Romy in this thread.

Firstly, I want to apologise for the lack of moderator activity on this thread. I have received a report from Munchies and am following up on it today. I apologise that there was no prior action from the moderation team.

It appears that member Hedonistic_Purity has deleted their account. However, I can assure you that we have records of their activity. If they recreate their account, the mod team will be aware of their past behaviour.

Based on the majority response in this forum, it seems we all agree on the importance of body autonomy and weight loss within the community. Regardless of personal preferences, we should be respectful when someone’s health is at risk or if they simply change their mind about gaining. Personal preferences shouldn't override someone's right to make decisions that align with their health and well-being whether that involves gaining, maintaining, or losing weight.

@Romy - Please continue to use this thread to update us on your progress and use it as a space for advice, and support on your weight loss journey.

Here’s some personal advice from me...Enjoying a burger, fried chicken, or chocolate in moderation won’t harm you. You don’t have to give up the foods you love entirely. The key is cutting down and being mindful of when and how you indulge. Don’t expect to completely change your eating habits overnight; small, gradual adjustments over time will make a big difference.

I encourage you to be accountable—it might be tough to admit when you’ve “cheated” to your partner, but recovery is a journey that includes mistakes and setbacks. Being honest with your family and keeping a food diary can be valuable tools to help you stay on track.

Remember, slipping up doesn’t mean you’ve ruined your diet or your day. You can always get back on track without letting one mistake overshadow your progress. Focus on your successes, the positive changes you’ve made, and most importantly, be kind to yourself!

I’d also encourage you to consider attending meetings focused on addiction. I have friends who have found SMART Recovery helpful—it’s a free service that offers daily online meetings where you can talk about your addiction. You might think these meetings are only for alcohol or drug addiction, but that’s not the case. People from all over the world attend online for support. They use the term “drug of choice”, so participants don’t have to disclose their specific addiction unless they choose to. It’s a great resource that might provide you with some support on your journey.

There is a USA and Canadian site and also a UK site.


5 days

It's enough

That guy constantly wrote me private messages encouraging me to eat and keep winning. Some messages invited me to imagine eating a particular food and how good it would feel.
He was very annoying and yes, he was a stalker.
Thanks for reporting it.

Sorry you went through that. I don't pay near as much attantion to this form as I use to. I my self am on a weight loss goal my self. It's tuff and slow. But you have to stay commited. Yes you can have cheat day's. If you need someone to talk to. Or maybe some advice. Feel free to reach out to my PM's Keep strong Romy
5 days

It's enough

I am aiming for the same goal, too. I've been drinking pop ever since I was around 4 or 5 years old which is hard for me to give up on. In general I always crave for sugar. During the night, I get hungry and end up eating more food. It's really hard to cut back. smiley
4 days
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