Picture viewing options gone

What's happened to the options in pictures and videos tabs that took the options to view only female members, male or select both??

Make the site difficult to impossible to use, searching through profiles you have to wade for miles and don't get the profiles you're looking for or you find an old profile that user has no access to anymore... very user unfriendly... needs putting back the way it was!
5 years

Social isolation caused by weight

I'm sorry to hear about it. This comes up in the community a lot. Huge women don't usually like bigger guys. There's no solution

Catch 22 there, skinny girls aren't that interested either... just something someone said on FB got me thinking more about it
5 years

Social isolation caused by weight

Well for the 2 hours leading up to 8pm uk time on the 12th of may, I've saw a few things online that have made me think seriously about my current weigh, and question why I should bother trying to get over the 60 inch mark anymore when my weight's leaving me shut out in the cold or on the shelf as the other saying goes... not even bothering to seek female attention now, just too withdrawn after I just saw the light of the 2 faced nature of some BBW's and SSBBW's... and most of the skinny girls out on the streets just call ma a fat this or that so what's the point of keeping the weight up to aim for a target when I'm becoming a social outcast from it... I've just about had as much of the isolation I can take.
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hi everyone!

I'm not exactly new myself, however I haven't been on here in a long ass time so...hi again!

Hi Steevie
7 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

Obese is a nasty invented label word aimed at making us feel like outcasts... they've failed!

Why weight becomes an issue with doctors is because they use your weight as an excuse not to bother trying to diagnose other complaints... hence, weight is always the cause with my GP... so weight give you the flu in mid winter... yeah right :-)


I've had the suggestion to lose weight so many times... just ignored them... feel fine... in fact never felt better since I put another 3 inches on!
7 years

Heavy cream whilst pregnant experiment

Im 5ft8 gaz and currently 19 weeks pregnant. Ive got a history of small babies
You're definately a big 19 weeker with twins going by the photo you have up.

Between now and 25 weeks your weigh should start to go up faster.
7 years

Heavy cream whilst pregnant experiment

How tall are you and how many weeks pregnant?

If you are quite short with big babies that might restrict your stomach a little.

But try chocolate cakes, cream buns, anything else known to be fattening before you go to sleep and it should help.
7 years

Heavy cream whilst pregnant experiment

Try weight gain powder with ensure, that'll blow you up.
weight gain formula is not recommended for pregnant women
7 years

Heavy cream whilst pregnant experiment

Do try to put on weight while you are pregnant by all means, but keep yourself fit around those hips for the birthing day, once you give birth then is the time to hit the crash weight gain, but if you intend breast feeding keep off the mass gain shakes.

Most women that have just given birth can balloon the belly right out till it almost looks pregnant again very quickly because your metabolism will be slow, and the slow metabolism will help you gain rapidly after birth, maximize your pregnancy weight by all means but watch out you don't get the babies too heavy or your birth might be more agony than you expect.

174lbs at birth to 243lbs in 10 weeks was not bad for my cousin's missus but she's lost the weight, but post pregnancy women's weigh can go up pretty fast... if only men could gain like a new mum smiley
7 years

No friends invite tab?

Just seen this new follow feature replacing the friends invite tab... how do you invite someone as a friend now?
8 years
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