What was the first experience that awakened this fetish?

I slowly discovered my fetish. I was very young when my parents would host back yard BBQ’s and one of their closest friends would bring their incredibly HOT teenage daughter and I remember thinking that she was a total goddess! A Goddess! I must have been 8 ~ 10 years old, and she was a college student. She would wear tiny bikinis to the back yard pool party/BBQ. I’m from Tampa, Florida, and that’s just normal for girls to wear…. This gorgeous curvy girl loved to eat! At the time, I didn’t realize that she was a binge eater, but she would eat until she would develop a big, sexy bloated belly and she would lay on a pool lounge chair and hold her aching belly and make the cutest and sexiest sounds as she struggled with her big, bloated stomachache. This girl set my definition of the perfect “fantasy girl look” in terms of what she looked like. Fast forward a few years and now I’m in high school and I’m popular because I am in a rock band playing guitar, I played sports, and have friends from all walks of life. I speak Spanish, a little Italian and Portuguese. Because of how I was mesmerized by the “college girl binge eater” I observed how the girls acted around food, and I still do!!! I was drawn to the girls that were happy and excited with food and eating. There was this one girl who was a Majorette on the marching band and I thought she was F*ing gorgeous! She was known as “Double D Thunder Thighs” because she had thick shapely thighs and a set perfect set of double D’s! She liked to cook and one of her regular topics of conversation was talking about the things she, her mom and Grandmother had cooked. Our relationship began when I invited her to have lunch with me on a Saturday and we went to a restaurant that offered a surf and turf platter for two. She easily ate the entire platter after two appetizers and had room for dessert, all by herself!!! I was in LOVE! She looked like she was pregnant! We went to the movies after dinner and I bought more things for her to eat and drink, but when she went the restroom, she came back, she had a flat belly! I didn’t realize at the time that she was purging. We dated all through HS. Anyway, this is how I got into this feeder fetish! She was my HS girlfriend, I loved to feed and overstuff her, and see her belly expand. I also increased her stomach capacity with all those stuffing sessions. So, this is a story of my beginning……
1 year

Does stomach full of air increase its capacity?

Stretching your stomach by inflating it with air works very well especially if you don’t want to gain additional weight. There are no calories in air! And unlike using water to stretch the stomach you don’t have to worry about water intoxication and unbalancing the bodies electrolytes. The stomach inflation needs to be done slowly. Once it becomes uncomfortable you need to stop inflating. Just like overeating. After a few minutes when the discomfort passes you can pump in some more air. This will cause the stomach to stretch. However, you do not want to inflate your stomach (or your feedee’s stomach) until it becomes painful.
4 years

Members from the southern us

Land O' Lakes Florida and originally from Tampa
9 years

Dating a non-feedist

Over the years I have learned that I need to be open and up front in a subtle sort of way. I learned years ago that I really cannot date a non-feedee/foodee. In my life experiences, I have tried to date women that watch what they eat closely and never overeat and I can't handle that. I'm not constantly trying to overstuff the woman I'm involved with but I like to engage in feeding, encouraging, overstuffing, feederism activity at least once a week. It's like a person who has some other fetish or fetishes, they need that fix! To me, I find this fetish far easier to explore and bring up in casual conversation with a woman that any other fetish! At the early stages of a relationship the couple are learning about each other and asking questions to discover similarities. We all do that. You ask about hobbies or interest such as music, movies right? It's this simple; so what are some of your favorite foods and restaurants? And I'm very open and quick to state that, I'm asking these questions because in the opening stages of a relationship most of the time we go out to eat. I want to be sure I take you to nice restaurants that you like and really enjoy the food so that you will eat until your hearts content. I also ask about favorite drinks and deserts. After dinner I make it clear that "I really enjoyed seeing how much you loved that dish". Is there anything else you would like? This place has great deserts!

I try to make it a point to encourage her to overeat and enjoy the fact that she did! If after a few dates I see it's pointless then I don't see the point in continuing. With all that stated, I have actually had ladies tell me "you're weird" and I've also heard "you're crazy"! That's okay, I would rather hear that up front and not waste my time! I am a FEEDER! Yes, I'm a FEEDER! It's the one fetish I have that I can enjoy acting out in public with a lovely feedee and not get arrested! Think about that we feedist are the lucky ones! Be it a restaurant, a dinner party, or a barbeque I can actually fulfill my desires. Barbeques are the easiest because walking up to my date (who has already eaten a full meal) with a huge plate of food in one hand and a fork in the other and shoveling food into her mouth with her caressing her already full belly is pure heaven! I also get off on the attention that it attracts.

No, I could not date a non-feedist! And I'm going to make two statements that I am sure will draw criticism; first, as a feeder I love dating women who are binge eaters! Second, a binge eating bulimic is pretty intense as well (here starts the hate mail).
9 years

Is anyone else here into puke?

How do you all manage to keep eating past the pain and naseua? Everytime I get there, I'm too busy doubling over in discomfort to stuff anymore in or admire my work.

You have to be in a "zone" where you're just eating and gorging yourself with no control until its far too late. It is much easier if you have a feeder pushing you and forcing you to continue eating. Also the feeder provides a good distraction from you nausea.
9 years

Is anyone else here into puke?

I would love to see you (Bilut) or any of these lovely ladies on the post eat uncontrollably and then puke!
9 years

Gaining for the very skinny and very fast metabolism

I'm sorry to that you suffering from depression. With some people that actually helps them gain. Since you have a fast metabolism you need to work on increasing you stomach capacity so that you can take in much more food in a single binge than your metabolism can handle. With that, I would suggest using some of the following methods to stretch and increase your stomach's capacity.
Forcing your self to eat more at each meal.
Continue eating the amount you currently feel comfortable eating but drink as much water or your favorite beverage as possible to bloat yourself and cause the necessary expansion.
Use weight gain supplements
There are a few more methods but these are the most basic and easiest to perform
Consistency! It's just like exercising. You can't just do it one day and expect result. You need to try to expand your stomach capacity at least three to four times per week and on one of those occasions push yourself to do it with food and eat to your very limit.
Good Luck!
9 years

Feeder types?

I understand what you are writing about. I don't do it in a secretive manner though. I openly encourage and push my ladies to eat and drink to the point of discomfort. Telling them things like "well the last time you ate X # of slices of pizza so this time you will eat at least one more slice and drink one more glass"! That wonderful discomfort your feel is the walls of the stomach being forced to stretch and expand due to the pressure of the food and liquids consumed. Like they say in the exercise world, "no pain, no gain"!
9 years

Eating while having sex?

I have done that many, many times! It's huge turn on and it's a great way to push your feedee way past her "un-stimulated" limits. It's also a great way to tube feed. I have over stuffed my ladies with food and then filled a large 6 liter enema bag that I purchased just for feeding (not enemas) and hang it up high with the liquid flowing into her mouth while I'm doing something else with my mouth if you know what I mean... You have to be careful because it is very easy to push your feedee way past her limit and as I have writing on other posts, I have been puked on!
9 years

Fetishes related to stuffing

scuba wrote:
Enemas can include Air, Gas, Liquid, or Rock Salt. WOOO!!! OMG ! Let forget the Rock Salt

Rock salt? Ha, Ha. Or, Wow! That requires an explanation..... Maybe I'm just picturing it all wrong....
9 years
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