My power went out last night so I fired up the wood burner in the basement to keep warm.
Power came on a little while ago which is good I was about to drag out the generator.
Its old and noisy so I hate to use it.
1 week
Only got 5 or 6 inches of snow today.
I stocked up of goodies early in the week.
I always keep lots of food in the house.
1 week
I love to cook.
Trying new things is always fun.
2 weeks
I am a compulsive over eater so always eating snacks and milk shakes thru the day it tends to put weight on me.
I eat a ridiculous amount at meal time because I can't get really full.
2 weeks
Listened to WASP and a bit of Bryan Adams today.
3 weeks
I was 26 I think.
My husband was really controlling and I was supposed to stay slim for him.
It was a rocky marriage and just to get back at him I gained 20 lbs and that ended up being 60 lbs.
He was really mad and I did it to get him to file divorce papers.
Its a long story LOLOL
3 weeks
I think you are reading too much into what was said.
Most people really don't think much about if you get fatter in the future.
People with a fat fetish would think that way but most don't have a fat fetish.
If someone says wow you have gained a lot of weight I just say thanks for noticing and the subject ends and we discuss other things.
1 month
I was really skinny so a 10 lb gain people noticed
1 month
You can do the Cologuard test kit too at home.
Its quite accurate too.
I couldn't take the prep liquid to clear me out because the chance of seizures side effect.
I have had 2 seizures in the past and I told them I wasn't chancing that so they said to use the Cologuard test kit at home.
I have done 3 home kits over the last 4 years and its super easy.
Your Dr will call you with the results in a week after he gets the results.
1 month
When having compulsive over eating or binge eating spells I have eaten so much it was very painful.
1 month