Website rebranding 20/04/2021

This is me zoomed out to 70% to see the top and bottom of the chat frame. As you can see the usernames and details become pretty small and definitely not easy to read. I would prefer to see less people on the list and have the text and avatars a bit bigger. As others have already said: at 100% you can't fit both the top tabs and the dialogue box in the window.
Also The yellow bar with white text means the usernames are unreadable, which is a problem for incoming chats.
Non-chat related: I was sad to see that the drop down options for profiles has gone. It was a relatively new feature to be able to drop-down select what kind of profiles you wanted to view. Instead of profiles>search>choose>select.
3 years

How to avoid a double belly?

I believe there is an undeniable correlation between clothing and belly rolls. There are instances of gainers starting with a double belly and, through the correct belly forming habits, develop a single belly further into their gains. The double belly crease(s) will sit along wherever you rest your waistbands. Multiple rolls developing if your underwear rests in a different location to your pants; or where your sleepwear sits. But don't overlook the way you sit or lie. I'd always recommend pretending you're heavily pregnant and moving accordingly. ALWAYS make sure your belly is comfortable and able to bulge out unrestricted.
3 years

New chat

I just have a couple of suggestions that I'd like to see in chat. I know it might not be possible or widely wanted so see what you think.
'is typing...' common in many forms of chat but very useful here as you can anticipate a message. I noticed something very subtle like: if you're in a private chat and you see the user icons switch it means the other person is typing. But it's way too subtle and easy to miss.
SEEN - due to there sometimes being no indication if someones even joined your private chat it would be nice to have something. SEEN icon would be good. Maybe even if they click you off before looking at your message it could change colour on your end so you know what happened. Sometimes you just wonder, you know. Which brings me to...

Status - sometimes you have a few conversations going and something crops up. It would be good to just change status to let everyone know you're away from your computer for a tick.

I can't have the sounds on because of the constant racket but I'd love to turn it on for private chat notifications only.
4 years

New chat

I have a general tendancy to dislike change but these are my boggles:

- I really miss the private chat tabs. Whatever you were looking at it was always there to alert you to a new message. Now you have to click a tab to find out who is even talking to you. This is not as user friendly and it must be worse for females as their 'users' tab must be filled with green boxes.

- when I was chatting to someone in private you could click on the old 'users' tab so that the general activity alert noise didn't sound when I was browsing in a different browser tab. That noise is incessant and now inescapable. It used to also quite cleverly still send that noise if you had a new chat or private massage which was a helpful audio cue to check back to chat.

- Also Squish is right there's no way to check someone's profile from chat. I had to open a new FF tab to search user.
5 years

Curing obesity?

If they did cure obesity or even find new ways of genuinely helping people to lose weight then the results would be catastrophic for the obese community. I understand the benefit of an outwardly visible cue that reveals something about a persons personality. But if obese people were a drastically shrinking minority then any remainers would be met with extreme prejudice. A large section of society already vie for more brutal action to be applied to fat people. There simply wouldn't be a way of living a normal life as a fat person.

I still believe that the best thing is to hope obesity rates rise. The more familiar obesity is the more people will accept it and the easier it will be for obese people to fit in.

If someone saw a very fat person in a society that had cured obesity the question of 'why?' would lead them to obsess about it. How can that person be so fat? The fat person would probably be approached daily by strangers who couldn't figure it out. Their family would be constantly encouraging them to conform to societies standards. The media would want to interview them because they were such a controversial oddity. What normal person could put up with such attention (mostly negative)?
5 years

Dream meal to feed a feedee

My fantasy food item would have to be a 'Munchie Box'. Basically, in Scotland we'll put a pizza covered in doner kebab meat in a large pizza box and fill all remaining space with stuff like: chips, chicken nuggets, chicken pakoras, breaded mushrooms, other types of pakora, maybe some mozzarella dippers (if your lucky). So much food that the feedee will over eat just to make it look like she's made a dent in the pandora's box of food.
6 years

Ive got a near ssbbw step sister

This is a fascinating situation. But we really need more information about your step-sister.

What do you mean 'she's always been open about getting to immobility'? When does that sort of thing really come up?

Have you ever encouraged her to eat more? Offered her food? Complimented her appetite or weight gain?
6 years

Confused/depressed about this fetish

It might be helpful to remember that there are people out there who have the opposite psychological attitude towards weight/fat. People who from an early age had an irrational hatred of fat, who bullied their little chubby sister relentlessly for being slightly fat, who saw a weight gain related plot line on tv and decided to not eat for the rest of the day, who voluntarily devotes their time to anti-obesity crusades in the hope of achieving their ideal world where obesity doesn't exist. In my opinion these are the truely evil people: not people like you.
6 years

New feedee needs help

I have to respectfully disagree with Johnxyz on this one. I think it's a good thing to want to research more into the fetish terms and topics. By doing so you could enrich the way you're able to talk about your gains, fat or possible future weights. When I was dating smaller feedees many years ago it was incredibly exciting to hear her talk about how big she was going to get, where the new weight would go, how she'll feel when she's huge and how others will judge her.
7 years



I remember there used to be a 10 reply daily limit on free users but today I find that 2 replies and 5 message views is all you get. Also as an international website I have no idea when it's 24 hr clock starts. It would be helpful to have a countdown to message unlocking but I think that would only encourage free use.
7 years
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