Which song are you listening?

Tenacious D - Bealzeboss

12 years

Fatten your feedee game

Here's the latest copy I can find on the archive, as mentioned above it won't work in its current state though.

13 years

Dubstep anyone?

I wasn't a big fan of the earlier dubstep, I found it a bit hit and miss as to whether I liked it. I like some of the stuff by Caspa, particularly the remix of "Where's my money". Some of the newer stuff coming out seems to have more of a trance feel to it, such as the newer stuff from Benga and Skream, and I've always liked my trance, so that's all good. Having said that, I never really delved around in dubstep much so there's probably been stuff I'd like that I've missed. I've just listened to the track you mentioned by Mt Eden and that was pretty good, I'll have to have a mooch around Youtube sometime and educate myself a bit more as to what's about!
13 years

Biggest christmas gain??

Congrats dublinguy!

I've gained nearly a stone over the last month - got a bit carried away over Christmas and haven't stopped eating since! I've gone from 234 lbs (my lowest weight for a few years) to 245 lbs when I checked a few days ago - and I'm pretty sure I've put a bit more on since then. If I have hit a stone that's probably the most I've done in a month before, and I haven't really been trying! I still won't be back to my heaviest though, which was just over 18 stone about 2 years ago.

Edit: Congrats to you as well Chloe!
13 years

Cheap gaining

According to wikipedia...
Cream skimmed from milk may be called "sweet cream" to distinguish it from whey cream skimmed from whey, a by-product of cheese-making. Whey cream has a lower fat content and tastes more salty, tangy and "cheesy".

I'd say you'd want either double or whipping cream, single would probably be to thin.
13 years

I made a boo boo =(

To a certain extent I agree with you Ruby, but it's a bit harsh to turn our backs on another member or suggest they go elsewhere when they need a bit of support - especially as they don't want to lose weight and the post was about that. If it was constant spamming of healthy eating tips and how well their diet was going fair enough lol.

Anyway, good luck Fluffy, hopefully the doctor will come round and you can have both! smiley
13 years

Medical research cardiff (ad in paper)

Hi, there was an ad in the paper (Metro, p55) yesterday regarding medical research in Cardiff, I don't know if anyone would be interested but I thought I'd post it here just in case.

Are you interested in participating in research?

If you are female, aged 16-45 years old and
wear clothes dress size 16 or above
you could take part in our research.

You will have a test for diabetes, a cholesterol check,
scans of your tummy to measure your fat,
an assessment of your blood vessels and a heart scan.

The study is held at The University Hospital of Wales,
Cardiff and will take 6 hours (over 1 or 2 visits).

You will be reimbursed for your time and for travelling expenses.
For more information please contact:

Dr Rosie Hocking hockingrk1@cardiff.ac.uk
or 07866771280

Dr Aled Rees reesda@cardiff.ac.uk
or 02920742341

13 years
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