Do any men want to be immobile

This is literally one of my goals. Immobility but the pace at which Ill get fatter once I have achieved this is apparently exponential. I really hope so!
3 years

Pizza or cake. the quest for the love of fatness resumes!

About to start up a renewed quest for 400....okay that's really just a year end goal however I digress, should I on my quest aim to primarily consume sweetstuff, cakes cookies iceream/heavy cream shakes. Or more moderate and balanced. red meats cheesy things carby goodness? Its not a road I have not traveled but I would ask, what is your take, Pizza or Cake?
6 years

*post all shake recipes here*

Welp I know I am going to have quite a chuckle going through check out with all these assorted items. This is exactly what I have been looking for. Thanks you guys! Have any of you considered posting shake making vids through the video upload system?
7 years

Starting to think there is something wrong with me.

Thanks for knocking some sense into me.

Im gunna stfu and be thankful for what I have.

I appreciate the incite.
7 years

Starting to think there is something wrong with me.

I have been stood up so many times in the last couple of months. I am not an ugly person in either looks or personality or at least so I have thought. I have never had this much trouble before. Its flipping baffling. What the hell is wrong with me I have to wonder?

I love where I live I have a decent job. But I don't know a lot of people where I am. My nearest family is 1200 miles away. I have never in my life have had this much trouble forming friendships/relationships with others before.

This stuff is starting to mess with me.

It has to be something I have done.

I am at a loss as to how to remedy this
7 years

Feeding mission denver

So my first week in Denver actually want to spend grazing. Favorite foods are pizza and donuts and as my name suggests anything carby.

And Though I don't have to say it I'm not interested in health food if it's not going to stick to me I don't want to bother. Please list suggestions below!!!
8 years

Do you try to control your appetite or do you stuff yourself?

If it tastes good I eat it. Self control is not conducive to my gaining goals.
8 years

So i am stressing out big time.

So anyone who checks my posts you know I am moving to Colorado. Been focusing primarily on the Denver area. Lots of job opportunities but no one wants to hire me until I have a residence there. So on the 6/7th I am driving my humble car from Salt Lake to Denver with the hope of securing a place to live based off of the apts and sublet options I have been pursuing over the last 3 weeks. But this is the first time I am off on my own completely. As in I have no friends there so no backup if things goto shit. As the day gets closer I keep thinking of all the things I have to get done how much I have in my dwindling savings will I fit in any better in Denver than I did in Salt Lake which I am pretty sure I will. I am stressed the *** out. I moved away from the east coast because I believe I cannot grow as a person unless I face change and adversity. I want so very much for this to all workout. I have no idea if it will I have no idea if these jobs will still be there when I get there but I can't turn back now I have to keep going I have to have faith in myself and in my accomplishments going forward that I will survive this. But I would be full of it if I said that I wasn't afraid. Yet at the same time I am excited. I really hope that this time this will be the place I can open up , where I can find good peoples I can call friends. So if there anyone out in that area who thinks yourself good peoples. I'd love to meet yall
8 years
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