Woman at work keeps touching my belly?

If you're turned on by her harassment, encourage it. Wear VERY tight clothes that emphasize your belly's girth and semi-urge her to fat shame you!
5 years

Tight clothing

Is the thrill you're experiencing enough to motivate you to continue your gain until you are truly FAT, or will you stop at being merely chubby?
5 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

Let her do what she wants and let her enjoy the whole gaining process. She's much more likely to stick with it that way!
5 years

How to gain as much as possible in one week?

Try grazing, eat something pretty much every hour of every day
5 years

Weight gain

Is gaining weight better for you as the gainer if you LOVE the gain and do it voluntarily or is it better to be force fed or tricked into it?
5 years

Sex (no creepy reply’s please)

You'll find there are LOTS of guys out there who will want to grab hold of your beautifully expanding belly and do what comes naturally thereafter!
5 years

Would you rather...(for gainers and feedees)

By the way, you're doing a GREAT job of growing yourself, keep up the good work!
6 years

Getting fat!

Who gained a LOT of weight and got VERY fat for a significant other?
6 years
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