Travel by air?

Last time I flew, I was wedged quite snugly into my seat, to the point where I was bulging over the arm rests. Didn't even bother with the toilet, because I would definitely have had issues there.
5 years

How to gain while in college?

I put on most of my weight in college from cheap fast food, frozen food and beer. Turns out student poverty is good for packing on the pounds as well as losing them!
5 years

When did you first realise you wanted to be fat?

I knew I had a fat fetish since I was a teen, but I didn't actually start packing on weight until I went to college. It wasn't even intentional, really—just the right combination of beer, cheap junk food and a sedentary lifestyle which meant I soon went from being fit and thin to jiggling with every step. I figured I could always lose it later, and... well, tipping the scales at ~400 now, later just turned into never!
5 years

Fantastically speaking ... how fat would you be?

Fantastically speaking? I'd love to be huge enough to fill a whole room. Taking up all the floor space like a heaving blob of fat, any furniture in there crushed under my massive girth~
5 years

Share your dark fantasies

My darkest fantasy? That'd be the one where I fatten up and feminise someone.

In the fantasy, I put an ad out for a housemate, and get an answer from a pretty fit, masculine-looking guy. I welcome him in with open arms, tell him to make himself at home. Once he's gotten settled in and comfortable around me, that's when I set my plan in motion.

I begin to lace his food and drink with sedatives, strong enough to render him much more docile and malleable. In this suggestive state, it's a trifle to convince him to eat more, to have that extra bit of cake or bowl of chips.

About three times a week, I give him a sedative cocktail strong enough to send him into a drugged stupor. I take these opportunities to put a pair of headphones on him and play a series of subliminal messages, telling him that everything is fine, there's nothing to worry about. Just trust in me and keep eating.

The plan works like a charm. He continues to eat and grow fatter and fatter, and between the messages and the drugs scrambling his brain, he doesn't suspect a thing.

Now, in addition to the sedatives, I begin to mix in estrogen and other female hormones. (I know they don't work like this in real life, but hey, it's a fantasy!)

The changes are clearly visible as he continues to grow as big as a house. His voice becomes softer and higher-pitched, his body less hairy. His hair grows longer and thicker, while his penis and balls become shrunken and useless. His chest begins to swell as he grows breasts. Before long, he's wearing dresses and applying makeup.

And that's it! I've turned my housemate into a submissive, feminine butterball.
5 years

What's your ideal vacation?

Personally, my idea vacation would be a week in a sun-soaked spot in the Mediterranean spent just soaking up the sun. My family used to go on those sorts of holidays to Spain or Portugal, and as a fit, active teen, I honestly found them kind of boring. But now? Now, a week in Greece or Cyprus spent just laying out like a beached whale and sweating in the sun sounds simply heavenly.

I'm picturing this big, white hotel under a scorching sun, with a big pool and a poolside bar, with slim, tanned girls in the pool and on the deckchairs. And I'd just be laying by the pool, feeling the sweat rolling off my belly and knowing that I had a week of just that ahead of me. I'd probably be too hot to do much else, other than roll off and waddle to the bar to chug down something before getting something to eat, and then letting it digest in the sun. Oh yeah, that sounds just about perfect!
5 years

What's your favourite food for binging?

For me, it's doughnuts, no question. There's nothing quite like taking a box of doughnuts or three, flopping onto the couch and stuffing my fat face and gut with all of that fried dough goodness.~
5 years

Tease and shame me?

I'm 23 years old, ~400 pounds, a nudist and a self-proclaimed junk food addict. Anyone willing to tease and shame me over it?~
6 years

The sensations of fatness

I love the feeling of lifting up a stomach roll in the shower to clean under it.
6 years


I always figured that with the advance of automation, we could see a sort of robot takeover in the future, with machines and AI handling all of the work as humans, with no work left to do, end up becoming obese blobs who are too fat to function.
6 years
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