Looking for online feeder

Hey all,

Been on here for quite awhile and decided I think it's time I look for an online feeder ☺️ Even if you're down to occasional feedings, hit me up via DM or Kik @ellegyal..

2 years

What is your why?

My "why" is that I have always been bigger than average, and it was never seen as a good thing. Being here taught me that not only is it a good thing, but it is an accepted thing and I am not the only one. Came for the free chat, stayed for the community.

2 years

* location shout outs part 3*

Durham Region, Ontario πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ NO Toronto or surrounding.
3 years

* location shout outs part 3*

Durham Region, Ontario πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ NO Toronto or surrounding.
3 years

Your first fupa (graphic?)

Damn, those descriptions were hot lol.
3 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

β€œOccasionally a child has called out in a piercing voice "Mum, look at that fat man". Only to be shushed as quickly as possible to avoid a scene. There is also a gang of teenage boys who congregate near where I live and they can be counted on to make disparaging remarks about my size as I waddle by. But for the most part people keep their comments to

Awe 😞 This breaks my heart.
5 years

Whey protein powder for fat gain?

Also, as far as eating a bunch of fried foods and cream, or other foods high in saturated fats... I would like to avoid the saturated fats as much as possible; as gaining a lot of weight is already jeopardizing my heart.

Good advice! This is one of the reasons to avoid too much fast food as well - lots of saturated & trans fats, often high in sugar and sodium, too. You want to get fat, and live a long time to enjoy it!

I found cream, shakes and all of that stuff did help me gain, but as time wore on I became more sensitive to the dairy (gave me the runs).

The real win for me was just getting my stomach stretched out to hold more capacity. It resulted in it getting harder and harder to fill up, so I was always eating. Even eating healthy foods, I was consuming more calories than I could burn, so it was helping me grow fat.

Nice! Thanks for your knowledge and advice! That's what I've been doing and I've found the weight gain very constant/consistent.
6 years

Gaining weight might make you look younger?

It definitely makes you look younger. The face naturally becomes more gaunt as the collagen decreases and obviously, wrinkled. Fat fills in the gauntness and also almost has the same effect with wrinkles. I've never seen anybody who has gained weight look older.

It's funny too, because since gaining all this weight, whenever I've asked to bum a smoke off someone (which is quite often, admittedly lol, I'm always forgetting mine).. I am almost ALWAYS asked now by the person giving me one "if I'm even old enough to smoke".... That never used to happen, people always assumed I was of age or even older! And I'm 6 years older than the legal age here.. Lmao.
6 years
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