What was the most extreme thing you’ve done to gain weight?

I once ate at the restaurant and ordered an huge meal and I was stuffing myself silly with really big meal, like 2 double cheeseburger and huge bowl of chips and a big ceaser salad and beer, then the waitress came after I finished and asked if I’d like to get the bill and I said no, I want to repeat the order.

She was shocked but proceeded with the request, and then I ate it all too, I was so stuffed and breathed heavily from all this (it was about 4 huge burgers) but at the same time it was very cool experience and I hope to repeat it soon.
3 weeks

My recent weight gain almost screwed over my job interview

Just throwing this out there because I cant stop thinking about.

Recently i just got an interview for job and the last time I had job was 9 months ago.Over that time ive gained around 30 pounds and i currently weight 320.I didn't notice much of a weight difference until now when i sat down on someone elses chair and aside from my own.

I met the owner of company at his office and was told to take a seat.As soon as even tried to get into thr chair,I could already tell this chair is way to small for me since my thighs were way too thick for the chair and was bending the rest handles of the chair a little bit.So i just squeezed into the chair very quickly so that the owner didn't notice since he was looking away.I could already tell this chair was fighting for its life and was almost at the point of collapsing since it creaked a lot at the slightest movements.I just had to keep cool and pray the chair didint break but luckily the owner just had me in his office for 5 minutes before he started to show me around the place.

I guess the reason I'm throwing this out there is because this is the first time this has happened to me and it really shows how far ive come since the beginning of my weight gain journey.

On top of the fact I have no one to share this with irl smiley

Heres hoping that I break my first chair due to my weight soon,just praying its not infront of other people or my own furniture lol

Almost doesn’t count 😅 but I familiar with this feeling in my job, my thighs has widened considerably and I started to feel the chair hands with my hips. It got me curious about my weight gain journey, because soon enough I would not be able even to squeeze myself into those chairs 👀
3 weeks

It’s not east to meet a israeli female feeder

All the feeders are male here 😑
3 weeks

Middle east?

Could be great to meet fellow feeders and feedee friends just to eat and expand our body together and indulge with the most fattening food in course of weekend, I’m sure with the Middle East food we can get so much stuffed… What do you say, Middle Easterners?
3 weeks

Why do you want to get fat?

I love feeling and looking huge period. But also the way my fat moves, piles up on itself when sitting or lying down. The dynamic nature of how fat wobbles and bounces in walking. Like its softness and moldabity in my hands. I enjoy my belly apron pressure on my thighs when standing. What is not to like.

3 weeks

Is this good weight gain advice?

I’m not so much worried about hiding the gut I’m more worried about people knowing it was intentional lol

It's probably better not to tell people you're gaining intentionally, but you can tell people you've tried dieting and find that you're happier if you eat what you want.

I do this all the time. But it feels so wrong. Sometimes I just want to admit that I prefer to eat a double cheeseburger then be skinny again!
3 weeks

Showing off fat belly to athletes

This may be a weird question. I sometimes like showing off how fat I am to athletes. Nothing weird, but I sometimes walk by a fitness center near my home. The execise bikes face the window and like walking by with my fat gut sticking out. I kinda feel I'm thumbing my nose at their fitness fanaticism. Anyone else like to do show and tell?

Actually, I have a big belly which you can’t ignore and I was in this place with some skinnier girls and I was just eating and was rubbing my belly in front of them and they just giggled and I just reacted with taking another bite from my big sandwich. It was fun. I like the bigger me, it’s so liberating to be able to eat and rubbing my belly
3 weeks

Who was thin and got fat

I am, and still expanding 😅
3 weeks

Today i got encouraged by my boss

No joking, I just started my shift and my boss told me to go get me a coffee and some sweets, said that while the job is not about food (it’s in electronics actually), everything is connected to food, so I have to eat and not be shy about it.

I think my gained weight is become noticeable, and I do feel my clothes are getting tighter recently 👀

Is something like that happened to you? I would glad to ear your stories.
3 weeks
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