How much do you care about your own health ?

I remember he had to have an MRI for an unrelated health issue and barely fit into the tube. Scared the shit out of him. He said that he never wants to be too fat for healthcare.

Personally, I think that's a really good thing to keep in mind. Once you reach a certain side, the medical world isn't built with you in mind. I don't think a lot of feedists think about that.

You're exactly right.

A few years ago, I remember hearing about a horrifying, relevant situation, which I believe took place around Cleveland, OH.

I would guess some users might get a thrill out of this story, but that is absolutely not the intent of it. If anything, a cautionary tale.

So, there was this woman,who weighed something like 650, 700+ lbs. She really needed an MRI scan. But.. problem!

None of the machines at the hospital were large enough to accommodate her.

The Cleveland Zoo had an MRI machine in the veterinarian's office that would be big enough. But, it wasn't licensed and certified for use on humans, and maybe this really shows ignorance, but I'm pretty sure that licensing process can't be completed in 1 day or a few hours as a rush job, nor do I know what's involved in the licensing process.

I have no idea what the outcome of that was, but even without knowing this, this is already a severe complication and a scary situation.

I wish I could find this chart again, but 600+ lbs does solidly place you well above 0.5% on the distribution curve (this means 99.5% of individuals weigh less/have a lower BMI than you do).

Of course, it's all about girth (and the girth of the machine) and no, I have no idea what her girth was at the widest point.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if the hospital administrators simply didn't anticipate this situation would ever arise. I don't know how old the hospital is, when the MRI machine was procured, or what was going through the minds of the administrators, or what doctors said while being consulted, prior to procurement.
6 days

2. largest feederism community

In which country, after the USA, are there the most people from the community?

I'm making an educated guess, simply from observations and sheer population numbers, but that would appear to be the UK.

However, I only really spent meaningful time on English feederism communities, so I can't be absolutely certain.

It would also be why other countries like Australia and Canada seem to rank high. As for Germany, I don't know, though knowledge of English seems to be high there.

I once did come across a French feederism message board. I don't know how active it was, but it was there. But it seemed less active since for the most part, it would be France, Montreal/Quebec, maybe some from New Orleans/Louisiana, maybe a few other small territories where French is the primary language, and a small scattering of those elsewhere who happen to know French.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Spanish feederism web site out there somewhere (Central and South America after all), but I don't happen to know of any.

Solid statistics about feederism are quite hard to come by.
1 week

Wife has ibd, stomach ulcers.

She needs to heal her stomach ulcers before she worries about gaining weight.

Also, what is IBD?

If I had to guess based on the context, Irritable Bowel Disease.
2 weeks

What's your opinion on the movie feed?

Disclaimer: I haven't actually seen it, but I've heard enough about it.

I know enough to know it would be distasteful and revolting. I also curse the day it was ever released, and it's an enormous setback to ultimate acceptance, not that I expect full acceptance to ever really occur.

It's filled with misinformation and has likely caused damaging misconceptions.

It also implies that anyone into this is mentally ill, that immobility is the only goal (a concept that's extremely controversial even within feederism circles), and it's all about being an abusive bullying asshole under the guise of fake dominance.

I hope I'm not inadvertently stepping on other toes as well when I say this, as I don't really know a whole lot about BDSM and dom/sub dynamics either, and if anyone tries to start that with me, I'm telling that person to pound sand. But I do know enough to know it's not as clear cut as that. That being a dom isn't a license to be abusive, nor does it grant the right to do anything. If anything, the dom has to earn the devotion of the sub, and the sub has to ultimately be convinced and believe the dom is worthwhile to follow. A difficult process that does NOT happen quickly, and when boundaries and limits are established, they are also ultimately respected.

It's my hope this film will fall by the wayside, long forgotten, much like the terrible music of the past that no one, or virtually no one remembers fondly. Or at the very least, will just be a very bad memory.
3 weeks

Intentional gaining philosophies

Closest for me would be #2, maybe with a dash of #3. I do set small goals but so far, none of them have seemed like enough. But, I'm not sure where I'd like to stop.

I do have some hard limits, I know I will not cross, but this can't be represented by any numbers, since I wouldn't know until I know. If I'm not able to function independently, that's too big. And I don't want to gain so fast I develop very serious problems.

I don't think #5 really describes me. It's not a singular focus, though I like the idea of being able to eat more in a single sitting. I still can't quite eat a large Pizza Hut pizza in one sitting, so sometimes I feel like I'm still playing in the rookie leagues, so to speak.
3 weeks

The loneliness of being an ffa

Holy necropost! And most the users in the thread appear to be long gone.

Locking this, although one can start another thread.
1 month
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