At what point does a bbw becomes a ssbbw?

Or, you could just not worry about labels and enjoy yourself!!
1 year

Roommate secretly fattening me?

Where this is going to lead to is you being 400lbs and helplessly addicted to her baking!
1 year

Fantasy feeder feels like home

I’ve been coming to this site throughout it’s various iterations for more years than I care to remember. I’ve had an account on here for 15 years according to my profile, surely it can’t be that long??
Anyway, I’ve never been a massively active participant in these parts, more of a lurker and seen things, and people, come and go. I’ve sometimes not checked in for a few months but I always come back here; it’s just a nice part of my life.
2 years

English to american

I got some funny looks when I lived in the US for a bit and asked folk if I could "bum a fag" off of them. smiley
13 years

What book(s) are you reading right now?

'Blood's A Rover' by James Ellroy, as beautiful and as brutal as you want it to be.
13 years

What book(s) are you reading right now?

"How the Dead Live" by Derek Raymond - British crime noir at it's blackest and bleakest, with a nameless leading man who makes Gene Hunt look a bit on the soft side.

Before that was "Flaming Zeppelins" by Joe R. Lansdale, for two reasons: firstly it's by Joe R. Lansdale, secondly it has the word Zeppelin in the title!

Before that was "Audition" by Ryu Murikami, great, twisted book adapted into a great, twisted film.

Next up...probably something odd.
13 years

I'd like to express exactly how i feel about the term, "fat admirer."

Labels work, they're an heuristic, a mental short. To use a feckin' horrible cliche[sic]:
you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

It's getting past the labels that's important.

I still think that if you sit there and listen to yourself saying the letters B.B.W slowly and in a clear voice the letters by themselves make sense but running them together just doesn't work very well. it just sounds ungainly, awkward and with no grace, which certainly isn't an accurate representation and most unflattering. They're an odd grouping of letters, "W" in particular looks a lot better than it sounds. smiley To me they're acronyms to be written down and understood implicitly without being spoken.

I'm pretty sure this makes no sense, blame the lager I've been drinking, but I'm going to post this anyway.

If I've caused offense in some way I apologise and if you think I'm an arse for what I've written then please call me one.
13 years

I'd like to express exactly how i feel about the term, "fat admirer."

Personally, I prefer to say that I'm an average guy who likes above average women.

I've never been comfortable with the term "FA", both that and (SS)BBW just sound so false when spoken.

Does anyone have any idea as to how old these terms are, or where they were first used? Never having seem them before about 15 years ago they seem to me to be an invention of internet users, but, believe it or not, there was life before the internet! smiley
13 years

Pro-big girl songs!

This says it all:

13 years
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