I want to ask the feedee

I asked specifically for feedee. Are you feedee? smiley

I didn't say that feedees and feeders necessarily break up. My question was addressed specifically to feedees, because I'm interested in their opinion and experience. But since you answered, tell me how you see the supportive role of the feeder in a long-term relationship?

I'm an FA and feeder. My partner is my feedee. Got him up to 500 lbs as of 2023. That was his limit, and he lost weight for health and comfort reasons. Currently sitting at 430 last I checked.

Only a piece of shit leaves their partner because they are no longer gaining. And on top of that, gaining and maintaining doesn't mean you have to give up being a feedist. You just have to change your approach.

My partner and I do a lot of roleplay and fantasy about how big I'd make him and how. I also stuff him from time to time. You won't gain weight from the occasional.

I also do a lot of FA stuff, but that's outside of your feeder question.

Regardless, most feedist relationships are not transactional. People don't leave the relationship just because the journey ended. And when I say relationship, I do not mean only romantic. I've seen platonic and sexual feedists relationships too.

Thank you for such a detailed answer! It would be interesting to hear how you adapted after it reached its limit. You say that the approach simply changes - can you give an example of how exactly? What does such interaction give when there is no active recruitment?

We switched from making the body of our desires to enjoying it. It's hard to appreciate such things properly when your main focus is growth. And it's nice to go from a manic intensity to something more sedate and cozy.

It's interesting how the perception of the process itself changes. When growth was the main focus, it gave more excitement and drive, and now it gives more comfort and pleasure? What was the most enjoyable thing for you in this new stage?
3 weeks

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight. After you gained weight, do you regret doing it? If you don't, then share your experience of gaining weight. How did you do it?

I used to be dangerously underweight to the point I was almost institutionalized over it. I managed to gain to the higher end of the healthy BMI range and have never regretted it at all, although there are a few garments I miss fitting into! It’s also difficult for me to eat enough to maintain my weight sometimes.

The initial thing that allowed me to gain weight after years of trying and failing was a combo of the depo provera shot and appetite stimulants, then after I had gained about 20 pounds from that and had to quit the shot due to side effects, I gained another 30 or so pounds by forcing myself to eat more and drinking heavy cream. Sadly I did lose about 15 recently from not eating enough, but I’m working on gaining it back, hopefully with a little extra.

Thanks for sharing your story! It sounds like your journey wasn't easy, but it's great that you were able to reach a comfortable weight and don't regret it. How did you feel when you were gaining? Was there a moment when you realized you were actually feeling better?
3 weeks

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight

I understand you... Sometimes the realization doesn't come right away, but the main thing is that you found acceptance and comfort in your body. This is inspiring! How did you come to not just accept, but actually love yourself for who you are?

Morbidly A Beast:
Reading up on fat acceptance and delving into feedism, that and I let my appetite completely out of control during the pandemic food delivery apps allowed me to not feel restricted like I had been now I just eat however I want but back then I’d feel self conscious ordering double entries now I don’t even hesitate even when I’m out to eat

It sounds like for you it wasn't just a change in diet, but a real shift to freedom in the way you relate to food and yourself. What was it like to stop feeling shy and just enjoy what you want?
3 weeks

I want to ask the feedee

Senner Maier:
No, However, when I had exceeded the 90kg, there was tension for other reasons, so she threatened to continue increasing. Btw, she is mit a feedee and Not into feederism

I see... So the weight gain wasn't the main cause of the tension, but it still played a role? How did you feel about her threatening to keep adding weight to you?
3 weeks

I want to ask the feedee

I want to ask the feedee. When you reached your weight goal, did you leave the feeder yourself? Or did he leave you himself, only because you got fat and you became uninteresting to him? It would be very interesting to know your experience.

My question is, why are you expecting feedees and feeders to part ways?

Yeah, it happens, but it's far more common for the two to stay in contact. A feeder can help the feedee maintain. Considering this scenario involves a long-term feedist relationship, they are usually friends or significant others. So, it makes no sense for the two parties to split.

I asked specifically for feedee. Are you feedee? smiley

I didn't say that feedees and feeders necessarily break up. My question was addressed specifically to feedees, because I'm interested in their opinion and experience. But since you answered, tell me how you see the supportive role of the feeder in a long-term relationship?

I'm an FA and feeder. My partner is my feedee. Got him up to 500 lbs as of 2023. That was his limit, and he lost weight for health and comfort reasons. Currently sitting at 430 last I checked.

Only a piece of shit leaves their partner because they are no longer gaining. And on top of that, gaining and maintaining doesn't mean you have to give up being a feedist. You just have to change your approach.

My partner and I do a lot of roleplay and fantasy about how big I'd make him and how. I also stuff him from time to time. You won't gain weight from the occasional.

I also do a lot of FA stuff, but that's outside of your feeder question.

Regardless, most feedist relationships are not transactional. People don't leave the relationship just because the journey ended. And when I say relationship, I do not mean only romantic. I've seen platonic and sexual feedists relationships too.

Thank you for such a detailed answer! It would be interesting to hear how you adapted after it reached its limit. You say that the approach simply changes - can you give an example of how exactly? What does such interaction give when there is no active recruitment?
3 weeks

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight. After you gained weight, do you regret doing it? If you don't, then share your experience of gaining weight. How did you do it?

Morbidly A Beast:
I starting putting on weight right after quitting wrestling to focus on my school work in college I yo-yo’ed with my weight until my late 20s when I was 300 pounds I kinda just gave up on trying to lose and it’s when I found fat acceptance and later on feedism and it just clicked in me; I was fat liked being fat and I didn’t need to feel guilty for it- after a while I started gaining on purpose and that’s been with me since. I don’t regret it at all, in fact if I were to regret anything it would be not being more accepting of my body earlier

It's great that you've found acceptance and comfort in your body! Was there a specific moment when you realized you didn't need to feel guilty about your weight anymore?

Morbidly A Beast:
It was the realization I wasn’t going to lose weight after failing a diet yet again, I was scared being over 300 for a while yet but I learned to love and accept my body now I’m much much bigger

I understand you... Sometimes the realization doesn't come right away, but the main thing is that you found acceptance and comfort in your body. This is inspiring! How did you come to not just accept, but actually love yourself for who you are?
3 weeks

I want to ask the feedee

Okay, let's put the question differently. Have you ever had a partner leave you because you got too big? Do you know of any examples of breakups for this reason?
3 weeks

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight. After you gained weight, do you regret doing it? If you don't, then share your experience of gaining weight. How did you do it?

Morbidly A Beast:
I starting putting on weight right after quitting wrestling to focus on my school work in college I yo-yo’ed with my weight until my late 20s when I was 300 pounds I kinda just gave up on trying to lose and it’s when I found fat acceptance and later on feedism and it just clicked in me; I was fat liked being fat and I didn’t need to feel guilty for it- after a while I started gaining on purpose and that’s been with me since. I don’t regret it at all, in fact if I were to regret anything it would be not being more accepting of my body earlier

It's great that you've found acceptance and comfort in your body! Was there a specific moment when you realized you didn't need to feel guilty about your weight anymore?
3 weeks

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight. After you gained weight, do you regret doing it? If you don't, then share your experience of gaining weight. How did you do it?

I put on about 30 pounds after meeting someone on here. went from 165 to almost 200 by the holidays. they travel a lot, and i found it wasn't as much fun just gaining on my lonesome. that might change someday, but i've decided to slim down a bit. about 185 now. still have some fun chub, but less soft overall

I understand that when there is someone nearby, it is a completely different experience. Do you feel a difference in your feelings after losing weight?
3 weeks

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight

Sounds like an incredible experience, especially having someone there who was so supportive and enjoyed your transformation! ❤️ How are you feeling now? If ‘that person’ came along, what would be your new goals in the set?

I feel pretty great now! Although I broke TWO buttons on two pairs of shorts over the last few months and my office chair threw a big bolt across the floor when I leaned back about a week ago.

If that person came along, we would talk about it. Basically I would like us to get me over and above the magic 300 pounds. Whether slowly or over time. But we would grow me, stuff me together, in love and cuddles and "Oh, my God, you're getting so FAT! Turn to the side! Woah, when is the baby due??? Come here, Tubby!" ❤️❤️❤️ Let me squeeze you. Oh, my big fat tub of lard, you're such a JUMBO!"

Sounds like a real adventure! It's so nice to read how much you enjoy the process. What was the most unforgettable moment of the set for you?
3 weeks
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