It would depend a lot on her activity level throughout the day. Also it would depend how her body processes the calories. I'd say the approximate gain of 50 lbs a year is a good rate of gain. As far as gaining faster limit her activity level as much as possible. If she needs a drink go get for her. If she needs the tv remote grab it for her. Basically wait on her hand and foot make her as lazy as possible.
13 years
mlanzo I agree with you, I don't really see any draw backs from the female perspective besides suffocating someone but I feel that's unlikely
13 years
Oh yeah fat wings are some of the most attractive features on fat woman
13 years
I would have to agree with you whole heartedly. I'm about 180 and my g/f is about 270. One of my absolute favorite things to do is stand beside her in a full length mirror. To just look at how much bigger she is than me. Its such a turn on to know she's nearly a hundred pounds bigger than me.
13 years
I finally have convinced my girlfriend to start drinking weightgain shakes. However I don't know where to start or what kind of disgression to use. First question is do you literally use the same stuff body builders use? Next is where can I go to get the mix? Lastly how often do you drink weightgain shakes once or twice a week or what? Any other suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
13 years
I actually had a huge blow up with my girlfriends family over her weight gain that came down to a fist fight. It's one thing to poke fun and such. However when you start to put someone down and begin with harsh name calling is not cool. I just don't understand why people can't mind their own.
Happy Gaining
14 years
Thanks for the tips hope to use them very soon
14 years