Too big for "traditional" sex

Hmmmm, I’ve never been in that situation before but I have unconventional sex before.

1. This lady I was dating had a very large, round belly and introduced me to belly button penetration. That was FUN! 🤩 😍😍

2. This guy that I dated who also had very large and round belly was the first person that I ever dry humped to an orgasm before because, I was too big to penetrate him.

Maybe you could try those? That’s the great thing about fat people, the possibilities are endless and you never run out of options 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾😊
2 days

Gaining on a budget?

I was able to keep my daily intake to $10-12 a day and was consuming upwards of 6-7k calories a day. Lots of sodas, pastries, ice cream etc and I blewwwww up fast. I used to limit myself fuck only foods I could get at a gas station, super cheap and super fattening lolol.

“Fuck only foods”?
3 days

Fit to fat experience

I don’t see enough people talking about their fit to fat experiences, so thought i’d chat about mine haha! As of about a year and a half ago, I was very toned (abs and everything hehe) and was an absolute gym rat- quite greatful for this era because its made me a decent cook and has left me with lotssss of old gym wear i can try squeeze myself into when I feel like seeing how much i’ve truly grown. I ripped my first pair of leggings a few weeks ago, I couldn’t believe how big my belly looked in my lap with the fabric completely torn.

But yeah, going from 110-150lbs in a year is pretty drastic, and it’s caused for some big reactions from the people around me. I’ve had endless family members poking at my belly and making sure I know how out of shape i am, and how much better i looked when i wasn’t “so chubby and round”- it’s usually brought up at least once a day, but i love it. Everyone’s quite touchy so it means ive had plenty of hands shaking my tummy and grabbing the flab on my thighs, I honestly love getting it pointed out to me.

It’s affected my romantic life a lot too- I definitely had a lot more stamina last year.. and never used to have to warn people before riding any faces (no judgement here i beg). But something i do love is feeling my tummy and love handles get really grabbed during intimacy, people seem drawn to them in a way- while i used to have hands digging into my hips, most people just resort to grabbing a fat roll or love handle when we are intimate.It’s hot.

I was always scared to gain weight because I knew how obvious my changes would be, but overall I have no regrets- any and skinny feedees Id definitely reccomend letting yourself go… you’ll love waking up and seeing the little changes in your body every morning, and if you love humiliation then just prepare for all the gym passes family might offer you, and friends joking about your new tum! I still experience some negativity from the feederism community funnily enough, because even though I’ve gained so much, i do look quite small- which makes me feel like my efforts aren’t ever super appreciated, but thankfully ive met a lot of people more recently who like my lil chubby body and can’t wait to help me grow! x

Id love to meet more of you, and would love to find any feeders who will support me on my journey :-) (particularly ones I could dom..)

Sounds like you’re Skinny-fat. Nothing wrong with that. I actually have been saying skinnyfat is an underrated body type. You shouldn’t feel like your effort isn’t enough at all. 40lbs in 12 months is damn impressive
1 week

Fit to fat experience

Alexi IFBB:
40lbs in that amount of time is no joke, must have been eating like a champ

Yo I was thinking the same thing
Like, that was one hell of a “bulk” Lol
1 week

Gaining on a budget?

I’ve never been in relationship with a feedee/gainer before, but in the event that I end up with one, do any of you have any tips for gaining on a budget? Is that even thing? Any help is greatly appreciated
1 week

Cow lingerie or outfit?


Yeah that is a nice one. I don’t blame you haha
1 week

Cow lingerie or outfit?

I have this one 😋

The one that I posted?
1 week


Beachside Farmer:
I think I did. This was where it was in Virginia last year? I think it's mainly for body positivity than fat/gaining lifestyle. If they would be more open to our community their con could get a whole lot bigger.

Oh yeah, no about. I would venture to say that feederism is kind of a form of body positivity. Kinda like veganism to vegetarians. Osmosis to diffusion kind of thing. Hell, some of them might already be gainers, and feedees

Honestly I don’t think that feedism shouldn’t be part of body positivity. Yes both have their similarities but I don’t think that they should coexist. Especially since it will be bad representation and reputation.

Other than that, I would actually go to a convention like this! Just to see what it would be like attending something like this. 😅

Oh I would too. lol
I’m going to the next one for sure. lol
I’m curious as to why you think the two coexisting would be a bad representation and reputation
1 week

Share your random childhood memories.

I will start with mine. Warning my story is the least interesting haha.

When I was around 6-8 years old I used to frequently watched The Little Mermaid on VHS. Me and my family were dining at a Sharis and I would copy that one scene where Ariel would comb her hair with a fork. My parents were amused by my imitation. Makes me curious did anyone else used to do this as a kid?

By the way! Please no generation bashing or morbid memories. I am aiming for a positive discussion. Embarrassing memories are ok, maybe.

I did something similar. One of if not the first voice impression I ever did was Steve Urkel.

Nice, I used to do a Blue from Blue's Clues impression. Not sure if I am brave enough to do the voice publicly as a grown woman now lol.

I feel you. I’m definitely not doing the Urkel impression now. Haha
1 week
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