
I think there is quite a paradox here. If you want friends here, in the majority of interactions it seems that basically kink talk / sexchat is needed, otherwise the interaction will not last a few minutes! Which means its really hard to have an interaction that will satisfy needs, other that sexual ones.
(here i dont even consider people who will ask you for money as these are generaly speaking not very genuine interactions when they appear as something other than that)

I have more bad news, unfortunately. As our society develops the way it does, it appears that less and less people are interested in anything other than what maximizes shallow satisfactions. (You can feel the pleasure of an orgasm the moment you have it, unlike having a long discussion about an interesting topic only to reach at the very end a satisfying conclusion, after all)
Also Narcissism is a huge trend, with possibly up to 50%, maybe more, of the population (at least in the USA) being Narcissists to the point that it is dangerous for your mental health to interact with them.

But nontheless there are good people out there. Its hard to find them, but there are!

As far as im concerned about discord servers, the one that is most likely unfamiliar to you, is one that had to do with a community called "Hang Gang" which had been created by Feemalefeederheaven. They had a discord, but i think it has been deleted since. Or maybe i was kicked out but i really doubt that. FFH herself told me that she had abandoned that community because it grew too much for its own good (basically it was too big to moderate it).

Anyways, thats not super helpfull i guess but its what piece of knowledge i can offer.
22 hours

Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.

This is a simingly simple question but i have difficulty with answering it in a similarly simple manner. I dont think that good things are just an absence of bad things (ie. Getting off work early is not a good thing, but rather its a not-bad thing. Which is great and opens up the space for good things to happen but i dont think we should categorise it as a good thing itself). And i want to make that distinction between things that are not bad and things that are actually good! For example a hug is a good thing! A calm moment, in the sense of a moment that doesnt have rush, anxiety, horror etc, is not a good thing itself its only a not bad thing. People might look at it that way but thats only when they compare things. So its not very objective.

Now, having said that, right now its morning for me, therefore not much has happened yet. But i can tell you in more general. It doesnt necesarily have to be something that happened today after all, if im guessing correctly what your motivations were for writing this post!

What good things have happened in my life recently? I already mentioned i managed to force my parents to allow me to cook lunch for the first time ever. It was a learning experience for me and i loved that!
Other than that, i went out with friends and had a first discussion about an organization im trying to build up. And it was very interesting because we talked quite a lot about the structure that it should have! (most creative conversation i ever had, basically)
An other thing is that my thesis, on which i have been puting a lot of effort, is finally coming together! Which is incredibly satisfying and will also serve as a motivation for future projects!
And a final thing, but one that has happened quite a few months ago, is that i finally had the curage to ask a colleage of mine to hang out, and theyre now a very good friend of mine!

I should also now mention a paradox. You just made my day better, which is also a good thing! Im now more motivated to work on great things! Thank you! ☺️
3 days

Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.

I’ve learned how to become more independent and self-sufficient now that my mom has been out on vacation for three weeks. Feel very proud about that.

Thats amazing!! smiley

A few weeks ago i managed to litteraly rebel and force my parents to allow me to cook lunch (spaggeti!) for the first time ever! I was really proud of that and the entier family liked it a lot!
3 days

Time for a change…

Hi everyone, I’m Amira 23F, I was recently diagnosed with heart failure. I’ve been gaining weight for nearly 12+ years for my own pleasure and I could go on and on about the many things I’ve experienced during the time. There’s so much to express but I’d be here for hours.. what I’m trying to say is although I am facing something that may Postpone me from reaching my true potential I still want something to look forward to at the end of the day. Where do I begin? What do I do to remain joyful and hopeful? I’m not sure but, I know things will get better over time.

Discord: blubberbabe

Uhm, could i ask you a few, mostly phylosophical, things?
4 days

Explaining why im putting weight on to my loved ones.

If you can come up with all these reasons why it's inappropriate to talk about your sexual fetishes with your parents and still ask why someone finds talking about sexual fetishes with their parents, I worry about you.

Well, you had used the word unhealthy to describe what i described as inherent honesty.

I disagree, i think honesty is healthy for a community and its individuals, in general. And thats why i had asked why.

The reasons that i gave are still valid, but they dont at all have to do with honesty itself or the honest person, but, as i said for the first two, they exist in the very specific context of our sick society. In other words, the reason that telling your parents about this is not a good idea, even if you feel the need to, is because society is so bad it wont even allow you that!

I hope that made sense?
5 days

Explaining why im putting weight on to my loved ones.

Lemme put it to you this way. Do you have any plans to tell your parents that you are a death feedee who wants a super sadistic domme feeder to do whatever she wants to you? Why or why not?

Interesting question! I do not.

The answer of why not is much more complicated, however! To begin, there is a layer where the answer is simply "I dont feel like it" which on one hand is a bottleneck, but at the same time is a blanket for all the different reasons and there are many! In fact i think its a mess that we cannot fully untangle. But let me put down everything i can think of.

One side of this, must have to do with the special relationship, in a typical modern family, between a child and their parents. Specifically a sort of dynamic, of control / authority / hierarchy, that exists in that relationship. Example, when a parent wants their child to become "X". There is some kind of control there, both on the material level, but also on the psychological level and i dont want to have to deal with that because it would ruin the situation (i wouldnt be able to be horny with my feeder girlfriend while having all this in mind, etc)

One other reason, i think, has to do clearly with appearances. For example i think i want my parents to percieve me in a specific way (on the other side of this, to not percieve me in any ways). Speaking for myself, altho it might be true for others, this might have to do with the fact that in general, in each enviroment i initially Present a specific persona (this is not something fully concious) which really depends on the enviroment itself. I might joke a lot or i might be serious. Stuff like that, so its basically how i behave. If the enviroment doesnt change... I think i would be embarasing if i were to change my behavior. This might have to do with why i dont want my parents to know that i really want this. Because it would basically be similar to me changing radically my persona, from their point of view. Its not so much, or only that what i want (a super sadistic feeder to do whatever she wants to me) is somehow embarasing (which it is) in this mechanism, but instead the significant part is the radical change of appearance.

Last thing i can think of is that what i want is something, that i think is... Humiliating? Even tho i like it for that too, i still feel a bit uncomfortable to say this to others. However this reason does not apply to parents specifically.

And by the way, when i was a feeder, i did share with an irl friend of mine that im into really fat girls, i even explained that some of those are death feedees. Yet i would never say this to my parents! Also... I havent told that friend that now im a feedee either. But i had shared it with an other friend. Still would never say it to my parents!

You can see that the 2 first have strictly to do with the relationship between me and my parents.

What do you think?
6 days

Explaining why im putting weight on to my loved ones.

So recently ive been pushing more and more to put weight on and im very nervous on how to come out to my loved one and family about it. grew up super fit and have been till recently so i have no clue how i would explain to them why im putting so much weight on as a known fit person. any tips?

What I wanna know is why do people wanna tell their family about their kinks?

Ngl, that's weird. Even if you were vanilla, your fam ain't wanna know what revs your engine.

I think that, maybe, people have an inherent motivation to be honest (And it shows, but only if its not obscured by other complications).

Mayhaps, but it's not healthy.

Why!? O.o

It's all about what's appropriate to disclose depending on your relationship with the other person.

For example, it's normal to talk about your kinks with a significant other. You would not disclose such things with your parents. At most, you might tell them you love to eat and like the way you look.

Back when I was a gainer, I never told my mom I was gaining because it made me horny. I gave other reasons like feeling too skinny, but nothing sexual. I think both of us would die of embarrassment.

Fair enough, in this case however wouldnt you agree that, its not honesty that is unhealthy, but the conditions in which honesty can be exercised do not enable people to be entierly honest?

For example, in ideal conditions you could have said to your mom that, its not something she should worry about but you cant tell her what exactly it is because it would be uncomfortable for you to say that to her.

What do you think?
6 days

Explaining why im putting weight on to my loved ones.

So recently ive been pushing more and more to put weight on and im very nervous on how to come out to my loved one and family about it. grew up super fit and have been till recently so i have no clue how i would explain to them why im putting so much weight on as a known fit person. any tips?

What I wanna know is why do people wanna tell their family about their kinks?

Ngl, that's weird. Even if you were vanilla, your fam ain't wanna know what revs your engine.

I think that, maybe, people have an inherent motivation to be honest (And it shows, but only if its not obscured by other complications).

Mayhaps, but it's not healthy.

Why!? O.o
6 days

Explaining why im putting weight on to my loved ones.

So recently ive been pushing more and more to put weight on and im very nervous on how to come out to my loved one and family about it. grew up super fit and have been till recently so i have no clue how i would explain to them why im putting so much weight on as a known fit person. any tips?

What I wanna know is why do people wanna tell their family about their kinks?

Ngl, that's weird. Even if you were vanilla, your fam ain't wanna know what revs your engine.

I think that, maybe, people have an inherent motivation to be honest (And it shows, but only if its not obscured by other complications).
6 days
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