Directing the fat

Hi, everyone.
My feedee ask me a question that I can't answer.
Is there a way to direct the fat to specific areas without taking medication?
1 year

Any french or german meetups ?

Pour ce qui veuille je suis ouvert en rencontres en France, mais si je dois aller quelques par en Europe cela me dérange pas 😊

hésitez pas à me DM
1 year

Looking for a non sexual feedee feeder friendship

I would be interested but too bad I am a man
2 years

All day stuffing

It just means to repeat the previous instructions. It's a reference to instructions once common on shampoo bottles: lather, rinse, and repeat.

OK thanks you
2 years

All day stuffing

These are all good. But to add onto it:

You have 6 days to yourself. Use them all to the best of your ability.

Day 1: Eat a large breakfast. Not to the point of being stuffed, but comfortably full. Let it settle for 30 minutes and drink something carbonated. As much as you can.

Spend the next two hours snacking. Eat something light. Then have your next meal. Rinse and repeat.

Stop eating at least 2 - 3 hours before bed to let your body process everything.

Day 2: You should wake up hungry if you did day 1 right. Make yourself a large smoothie for breakfast. Doesn't matter what kind. But make it as big as you can. This will stretch you out as will as clean you out from yesterday. You will be less likely to eat if you feel constipated. If you can't consume it all at once, have a little more every time you feel like you have more roon. But it should be all gone within an hour and a half.

Let yourself digest fully. Let yourself feel hungry. This way, you'll get more food than you probably need to satiate your hunger. Eat everything you get. Finish it all within the hour. Do this until about 5 hours before bed. Do a carbonated liquid bloat. Top yourself off until two hours before bed. Wait an hour and then eat a large meal.

Day 3: Start the day with another smoothie to clean you out from yesterday. Today you should keep yourself slightly past comfortably full.

Day 4: Start the day with another smoothie. Let yourself digest for about an hour. Eat as much as you can for an hour. Rest for thirty minutes. Rinse and repeat.

Day 5: Start the day with another smoothie. This is your all day stuffing day. You should spend this day in one spot more or less. Embrace the hedonism of it all. You should be able to eat more than you did on day one. If you aren't eating a meal, you should be grazing. You should end the day in a food coma.

Day 6: This is your recovery day.

Great advice, thank you. But I don't understand the term "rinse".
2 years

Food that makes your belly noisy

I would like to know if you guys have some food you could list that makes your belly super loud after a big stuffing ? To me the stomach growling as I keep eating and pushing myself is a big motivation boost (as weird as it may sound ^^&apossmiley
And lately I've been thinking, I want to do a stuffing session with mainly food that will make my belly gowl and gurgle and all that, so I'd like some ideas.

I have seen on some forums that candy makes your belly noisy
2 years

French event !

Anyone from France up for a meeting ?

Yes why not
2 years

Best method for cake shake bloat

What is your SAFE recommendation for a lovely big cake shake bloat?

Safe? From my point of view I don't see the danger in cake shake
2 years

Stuffing gf

Would it be possible to condition someone to want to remain full or be motivated to eat until they’re full as long as they had an orgasm every time?

I advise you to be inspired by the experience: "dog of pavlov".
2 years
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