Looking to do an rp with my fat utopia plot

I am looking to do an rp based off of my fat utopia rp where it's basically a utopia for fatties, and I have a tone of girls I am willing to rp as, if interested you can DM me on twitter @MultiFattyMuses or on discord yamiliashiro if interested DM me ^^
1 month

Just a random question lol, but does anyone else who's into wg play ff14?

I play pretty regularly (2-3 nights a week) on Faerie! Are you excited for Dawntrail?

Mhm ^^ very excited lol we should meet up in game and hang out some time, I can just travel to whatever data center your on
3 months

Young feedee

Im a 21 yo female feedee looking for someone to chat with or maybe more.

I'm interested
3 months

Favorite words?

Just a dumb little conversation starter, but does anyone else have a favorite word associated with our kinks?

For me, I like the word “bloated” for some reason. Not sure exactly why, but a girl being described (especially by herself) as being bloated seems to turn me on.

Anyone else have any words like that? Thank you for your time & God bless.

For me id have to say I have a couple like that, like, blimp, fat ass, fatty,

x3 I just love being called names over all lol so all of those words just make me melt lol
5 months

F feeder looking for mindless feedee

I am looking for a feedee who loves to be told what to stuff with. I don’t mind if it is online or irl and I don’t have a preference in gender. I would like it if the person is already fat to begin with. If you are interested, send me a messagesmiley

As someone who is very submissive to hypnosis vids and loves to be called names and teased and at 200 pounds around there this sounds amazing lol I would love to chat ^^
6 months

Just a random question lol, but does anyone else who's into wg play ff14?

Like I recently got back into it and would love to meet up with some people in ff14, chat, hang out, whatever lmao (if I need to delete this I will xd)
6 months

Just looking to chat/rp

Looking for people to chat with about weight gain getting fat, so on so fourth or just to rp if interested message me on my Kik FattyAnimeLover
Or twitter x.com/MultiFattyMuses

Or discord yamiliashirosia just tell me on here that you are from fantasy feeder
6 months

How fat would you like to be?

Honestly i already feel like im so fat there is no going back anyway and at the same time i am enjoying my morbid obesity sooo much, if i could wake up tomorrow and weigh 200kgs i would say yes please.
I think my goal is arround 200 Kgs but i doubt i will be able to stop there 😅

That actually sounds like it'd be amazing haha like, my goal is to get to 800 pounds and I really wanna get there so badly haha but yeah If I could sleep one day and wake up as 800 pounds I would love it x3
6 months

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

Idk how I haven't seen this sooner but yeah like my main "goal" is to be 700+ pounds fatter, but like I just wanna get fatter so 1000 pounds does sound beautiful x3
6 months

What is it about seeing a body growing large and soft?

There is no doubt about it in my mind, there is nothing as thrilling, fulfilling and arousing as witnessing fat being deposited on someone's body, including your own. From subtle changes to unmistakable ballooning. I have been much bigger before, and through various life events, have lost the weight. Coming up to the festive and indulgent season again, I am already gaining weight again, and although everything around us is shouting, stop! The allure of seeing that first little bulge or roll, or the slow but sure tightening of clothing, is intoxicating. We all know about the health implications well enough, but still we deliberately eat to gain body fat. I think I have always been this way, but in later life, with metabolic changes and more sedentary lives, the inevitable fattening happens with relative ease.

What was it for you? That thing that sparked your obsession to get fat or to fatten another? When did you know it, and is it still as exciting now as it was then?

For me, I use to only love seeing others get fatter and softer as it was just beautiful to me, but when I started to get fat without trying during covid I had fallen in love with how much fatter I was getting that I wanted to get fatter too haha
7 months
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