Girls heavier than guys

How do you people feel about girls being heavier than guys?
I mean it's something that really turns me on. As i've been skinny my whole life (less than 110lbs), i've been used to the idea of being a lightweight, always the tiniest and lightest person in the room.
In our society, girls are always supposed to be frail and gracious and light.
Now, since i've gained weight, it's getting more frequent for me to be the same weight or even heavier than guys, even from guys taller than me!
This is a massive turn on for me, as I feel like i'm doing something really naughty breaking the traditional representation of the frail girl!
I don't know if that's clear but I wanted to know if others feel that way about it. Let me know your opinion

Same here. I always love the feeling of having a petite girlfriend who is far more heavier than I am, even though I’m pretty frail myself (BMI usually is at 18-19)
1 month


Howdy y’all!
Curious if anyone has any suggestions for feederism centric Discord servers? I’ve joined a handful, but most seem kind of dead, which sucks because I’m looking to meet friends.

Otherwise, has FF considered making their own? I’m sure there are plenty of people here that use Discord and would like that.

I’m down for one active feedism discord server bc mine only has 2 members and I’m the only one active. So I’d love to join one that’s active.
1 month

My personal bacon sandwich recipe

While my mom was on vacation, I ran out of food and thought I should make a sandwich with whatever I have left in my fridge. Here are the ingredients:
2 slices of white bread
Spicy BBQ Sauce
Chipotle Sauce
A slice of cheddar cheese
Roasted Onions
and of course, Bacon strips
For the bacon strips you wanna put them on the pan seperate from the rest, and fry the bacon with butter until it's really nice and crispy.
as for the rest, put the roasted onions and the BBQ sauce on one slice of bread, and the chipotle sauce and the cheese slice on the other. Put them in the oven at 160°C (320°F for yall Muricans), wait 8 minutes and take the slices out. Now you can place your bacon on one of the bread slices and you have youself a sandwich! Feel free to modify this recipe by your personal liking! (yes you may also use a whole loaf of bread for this)
1 month

Who are the doms and who are the subs?

Never been in a relationship before, but based off of my fantasies, I may look like a sub, but in reality I'm very much a dom. I just like the feeling of my potential girlfriend submitting to my desires and begging me for more leftovers.
1 month

Design you dom or sub/ feeder or feedee

Here’s my fantasy:
I’m 5’7” and a male feeder.
I may be physically weaker than average and a nerd, but I’m definitely someone dominant. I of course have a big heart, even with my frequent mood swings (do not worry, I never take out my frustration on others), I’d take out my girlfriend for dinner wherever she wants, wether on a nice Chinese all-you-can-eat restaurant, A pizzeria, McDonald’s or even just takeout, I’d be by her side, seeming soft in public, but becoming the man in charge in bed. I would love roleplaying, cosplaying with my girl and giving her the leftovers of what I can’t manage to eat or don’t feel like eating.
Now, this is just a vague summary of my fantasy, so feel free to voice your opinion on it.
1 month

Starving feeders

Do any feedees ever get the desire to starve their feeders? As a feeder I love the idea of a feedee withholding food from me because they don’t think I deserve the calories as much as them or because they eat through so much of my bank account that I have to skip meals to afford to keep feeding them. This is mainly a fantasy but it could be fun to do in a safe and controlled space

Heh lol I like this idea as a feeder who used to have only 1-2 meals a day in high school
1 month

Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.

I’ve learned how to become more independent and self-sufficient now that my mom has been out on vacation for three weeks. Feel very proud about that.
1 month

Free compliments - no strings attached

I think we all go through periods of loneliness and isolation with this kink/preference, and so many of us have visited this site looking for some kind of meaningful connection.

I thought I'd throw this out there for y'all: if you are looking for some free positive feedback with no strings attached or conditions, let me know. I'm not in a position to pay for any content to give compliments, but if you want some good free and honest feedback about a post, some content, or a story - let me know and I'm happy to connect with you.

Hell, if you need a virtual hug or a cheerleader because you did something cool, I'm here. Maybe it was hiting a new goal weight, or sharing your preference with someone special, or just getting out of bed this morning - we all need some encouragement from time to time. We all appreciate that little dopamine hit of having someone specifically notice US from time to time, and I'll do my best to focus on YOU, even for a little bit in the day.

Happy to take DMs or simply to reply here - just letting you all know I'm here!

PS - honestly, not looking for anything in return! Free hugs!

Thanks a lot pal. I’m currently going through some personal issues right now and I’m glad that this community is so supportive of each other.
1 month

How would this experiment go?

I’ve got an idea to eventually start making merch (tshirts, hats, jackets, pins, bottles) for the feedee community with a recognizable design. Idk if anyone’s already done this, but I would make it very known that showing these products in public could potentially make other feederists know you both have a common interest, kinda like if you wear a Taylor swift shirt, you know you both like Taylor swift. I would also make it very known to the consumer that wearing these products could attract unwanted attention like pervs or creeps. While pervs and creeps will exist almost everywhere for anything, it should still be made aware that there might be risk to it.

I do also wanna say I see our community very differently than others. I don’t believe in gaining weight to the point where your health is at serious risk and you have a good chance to die young. I also believe you are able to make nonsexual friends and have a fun time with feedism for fun. Whether you believe me or not, my intentions with merch are the same, it’s to help people make friends in a way they want to have friends, but I know there’s risks to it all as well.

This is hypothetical, I have no plans to do this anytime soon, but it’s definitely something I’m thinking about for the distant future if I can make it work out for everyone.
What are your thoughts?

Sounds like a good idea
1 month
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