Sad news

Sad news indeed. Ruby was tremendous fun and for years singlehandedly kept the chat room lively by welcoming newcomers and introducing topics for discussion, running or organising the quiz, and doing an awful lot behind the scenes for the site. She was opinionated and forthright, didn't suffer fools gladly and was a refreshingly vibrant presence. I was surprised when she died to find out she was only in her early 50s, as not only is that far too young to lose her, but she had such an air of authority and confidence that I had always assumed she was a venerable older lady - she certainly had cojones! Her heart was definitely in the right place and I for one found her flipping hilarious. I regret I never got to meet her in person, I think we would have got on. I won't say anything too cheesy as she'll just be laughing her socks off, wherever she is.
7 years

The usa' 1st and only goth/alt club for bbws

Can we have one of these in London please?
8 years

Stretched marks?! sexy or not

I have lots on my hips from when I grew tall as a teenager (paradoxically at a time when I was getting proportionately slimmer as I shot up fast).

Now they're just silvery lines that are barely visible. I can't remember how long it took for them to nearly disappear. But I hope it reassures you to know that no guy I ever dated whilst they were still visible ever mentioned them, appeared shocked or turned off by them, or seemed to care one way or the other.

Feedist/FA types have often said that once they've finally spotted them in my pictures (I only found this fetish after they'd faded) their attitude is that they're super hot because it shows I grew a belly, which they like the thought of (I don't like to disappoint them by telling them that wasn't how it happened, lol).

I used to feel a bit resentful about them when I was much younger, but in the scheme of things (having spots/glasses/dental brace/being fat/socially awkward/being terminally uncool) from 0-10 on the scale of upsetting issues, they barely registered. I guess it might be different if you like to wear crop tops or bikinis or things that reveal your belly.

I agree with the poster above who said they're a badge of honour, and when you've had your baby hopefully you'll look back on them as part of that journey. They're just who you are, like dimples or knobbly knees or long fingers.
8 years

Getting more comfortable in tight clothes?

I'm sure your bf would be mortified if he knew that you complied with his request but were uncomfortable (physically or psychologically) as a result. And if he wouldn't be mortified then you'd have to ask yourself why he's encouraging you to wear such things. I'm sure there's nothing sinister in it, he's just telling you what he feels you look gorgeous in, but surely he must realise that there *are* people that would look (in an unwelcome way) at a belly visibly hanging out, and that you'd have to be hella confident to work that kind of look and not care? If he gives you the confidence to do it, and you love the way you look, then great. If you're not at that point yet (and as people above have pointed out, even when you think your body is beautiful there is still that recognition that others may not agree) then whatever your boyfriend loves, I'm sure he'd agree it isn't worth putting you through feeling awkward just for his gratification. smiley

Sorry if I misinterpreted his motives but I get really worried when girls say they are reconsidering what they wear because their fella tells them what he likes. Hope you find the perfect look smiley smiley
8 years

London bgp - 4th july


Looks like fun. Someone make me come out to this!

I know when the time comes I'll be in my living room thinking, hmm that sofa looks comfy, ooh and a lovely cuppa.... But it's been waaaaaaay too long since I saw my pals the fats smiley
8 years

Bedroom problems with non-fa boyfriend

Oh god yes. To the initial poster and the people who have described similar situations. I totally have the same issues.

Added to that... my whole fetish feels like it came about through being made to feel shame about being fat (the brain's way of turning it around into something positive? I don't know) and as a result I find it excruciatingly embarrassing to talk about with anyone not from this "scene" or positively pro-WG or feedism. Plus I'm not a leader in the bedroom department At All. So. The very idea of introducing/discussing/incorporating fat stuff into any action with my partner (of a billion years) is just squirm-worthy. I know he wouldn't give two tosses about my having a kink. I know that he'd probably be up for trying anything and would be open-minded. And I know that if I could bring myself to be frank about what turns me on it would probably be awesome. BUT I am still paralysed by the squicking awfulness of discussing it.

PAH. I hate when you know what you have to do but Just. Can't.
9 years

50+ section for us older folks

Is the 40+ chat actually still happening? I thought it died a death years ago...?
9 years

Dating section

The dating section of the profile is new and I'm sure it'll be useful - but for those of us who aren't looking to date, is there a way to enter a null answer to the drop down choices, ie to leave the field blank? I've chosen "rather not say" or similar in as many fields as possible but that isn't an option in all of them.
9 years

London pub meet fri 13th march

roundandpearlover wrote:
What time does it usually wrap up?

They had to throw us out of the pub at closing time last time smiley
9 years

Microwave petition * pls help*

Fashion him a tinfoil hat and pants to protect his brain and nads when standing near the microwave.
9 years
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