Coworker commented on my weight...

nope, just my usual clothes!

but I was wearing one of my bigger shirts so maybe it was the bagginess.

4 days

Coworker commented on my weight...

...but the weird thing is she thought i was LOSING weight!

how little does she know...😈
4 days

Cake or pie

cake!!! frosting has always been my favorite part...! 😻
6 days

Is there any furries here ? :0

yeh! I don't really talk abt it much normally but I would call myself one! :3
1 week

Is it just me…..

I catch myself off-guard with how big I actually am a lot of the time and i always find it super hot!! For the longest while I never really examined myself but recently I've been really enjoying taking new pictures and seeing more of me!!

might invest in a mirror for my room to get more angles...πŸ’›
2 weeks

What's your earliest memory?

i remember having a book as a child of a bunch of words for ABCs, and the one for F was fat. it showed a cartoon bear too fat to fit in his cave because he ate too much and that must have flipped a switch in my brain!
2 weeks

Busty guys

i love my moobs, and can't wait for the progress i get with my gain...! πŸ’›

in an ideal world my chest (and butt) would gain a lot of weight to even out with my belly but the results will be fun none the less!!!
2 weeks

Supermarket binge

deli and bakery are obvious ones, but I'd also hit the chip/snack aisle too! I loooove Swiss cake rolls too much to skip themπŸ’›πŸ’›
3 weeks

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hai!!! male feedee here for funsies! I enjoy taking pictures of my gains and tracking the progress of my gains. tryin to go over the weight limit of my scale!!!

really shy but wanna meet new people regaedless...!!!
3 weeks
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