Feeders turned feedee

I've never been fed as a gainer. Surprisingly I did feed a guy before, and if I were to believe him he was utterly unaware of what feederism was.
I do feel more attracted to contrast and me being the growing one while my feeder remains fit.
3 days

Different reading genres

My "pleasure reading" genres are usually horror and fantasy. Because my degree is pretty much all about reading, I'm quite busy reading classics and old books from all genres, alongside academic books and articles.
3 days

Lets play a game of never have i ever (for feedees and gainers)

1. Been fed IRL
- never 😢

2. Ate myself to sleep
- yes, plenty of times

3. Had sex while being fed at the same time
- nope

4. Stolen food because I�m just a piggy
- never

5. Been called a fat name in public
- Nope

6. Had a stranger pat or poke my belly
- They tried, but I quickly stopped it

7. Been fatter than my current weight
- no, at my biggest now

8. Ripped clothes or popped a button
- yes, plenty of trousers and shirts

9. Broken furniture because of my weight
- yes, two beds

10. Seen an actual pig and got turned on
- no, never 🤨

11. Fantasized about immobility
- every single darn day

12. Ate until I threw up
- no, I hate puking

13. Got stuck somewhere because of my size
- yes, while trekking I couldn't get past two rocks others could slip through easily

14. Posted nudes of myself online
- yes

15. Been fed online
- yes, but not my thing

16. Been told I need to lose weight by a family member
- yes, until I made clear their opinions weren't welcome and to stop

17. Had a partner who worshiped my fat
- nope

18. Started rubbing my belly in public
- nope, I'm not that daring

19. Been called a pig
- yes, but I don't like it if it's the first thing someone says

20. Been weighed and measured by my partner
- no

21. Been in a gaining competition with another gainer
- nope
1 week

Where did your fat go on your body?

I would say definitely my belly and my tits. I don't have much of an ass, and my legs are more muscle than fat, they do have to carry my weight and need to be strong. What surprised me were my fingers and wrist, I can't wear any kind of jewellery there, specially rings.
1 week

The new norm?

We still live in a world that is deeply biased against fat people, and brands (beauty, fashion, media...) uphold more unobtainable beauty standards each day. And it's not just beauty, it goes even deeper into morality, because being fat is considered a failure by society. Fat people are fat because of a lack of discipline, and not because of health issues, poverty or simply a choice. It's a deeply toxic ideology that poisons our societies.
1 week

Gaining as an escape (fantasy)


Wow! That’s amazing! 🤩

Ya I wanna gain as well. Food is too good

Hey, I love big guys, and being one too! That is awesome!

And here I am in another continent, not being able to join 😂
1 week

Gaining as an escape (fantasy)

Sometimes I think what it would be like being taken by a feeder away from society, far from worries and responsibilities, far from struggle and drama. Just being happy together in a hedonistic life were only love and fattening exists, my body being engorged daily and swollen till only I can see an ocean of fat and my partner perched on top of me and living his dream as well.
1 week

Annoying things with the fetish

I'm quite new in this community, but I've been in Grommr for some years. And the more time passes and the more users I talk to, I'm definitely becoming more and more disappointed.

1) Being treated as a piece of meat to grow fat instead of a person. The first message I always get is "big belly", "you're huge" or "I want to feed you". Not that those bother me, it's what comes next. Just cyclical endless chats that go nowhere because the other guy insists on only talking about fat, gaining or feeding, avoiding any kind of personal connection.

2) For me, feeding must be close and personal. I've been given food or have takeout paid by others on a few occasions. But I want to be fed by someone who does it lovingly, with loads of physical affection and intimacy. I desire emotional and sexual connection, and feeding is just an expression of a shared desire. But because of physical distance and a lack of feeders around me, I'm just stuck waiting because I can't move around as much as I wished. For this reason, feederism feels like a really isolating kink that frustrates me.

3) Unwillingness to give, just expect me to do all the work. It's so frustrating that after the hundredth message of "let's double your body size", "I want you fatter" or "I want to be your feeder", they only say "you should buy snacks", "order takeout", "eat more". Their words don't match their expectations, and I find myself feeling like they won't ever compromise. It's just wanking material that'll never happen.

4) Grooming, predatory behaviors and manipulations are so common in the gay gainer community. Older men preying on young guys and manipulating them into becoming gainers and get them fat against their will. And even if you're a gainer by choice, their tactics often cause harm. I was a victim of that, now I know better.

5) Following point 4, there's a huge disregard of mental health, eating disorders and body image issues. They're often the playground of those manipulative tactics, and the desires of the feeder often trump the wellbeing of the feedee.

6) On the other side, there's a whole lot of choosing beggars and scammers who try to take money from you, and in my experience it always starts with "Can you give me advice?". By the second or third message they ask for money or send you a link to a Paypal or onlyfans.
2 weeks

% of fat people in relation to location?

Like you I'm from the countryside and I moved to a bigger city for university. And around here I'm definitely sure I'll be one of the bigger people that shows up, there are big people but not fat as we would be called. I definitely saw more obese people where I'm from, yet it didn't mean I didn't get judgemental looks or comments, I would say that in an urban setting people don't care as much about the lives of others.
2 weeks
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