Bbws in dragon's lair 2

I just happened to be looking at a play-through of the old game Dragon's Lair 2 on YouTube and could not help but notice that it was fairly heavily laced with BBW imagery. There is the "Helga" type lady in the beginning, and even the princess goes through a BBW transformation near the end (but it is far from a beautiful change. The big treat for me was the BBW character in the middle that I will call Eve for reasons that will be obvious when you watch the clip. Quite lovely for a cartoon/video game of the time I think.

Here is the clip....

If you want to skip tot he "Eve" part that is at about 4 minutes in.

Hope you all enjoy!
9 years

Are there any non-creepy guys?

amidsttundra wrote:
Dan007 wrote:
[quote]LyteWing wrote:
While there are still many great guys out there (I would like to consider myself one but then again all the creeps think they are great too) they seem to be far over-shadowed by the creepy jerks. My personal experience with this site is that most women will not even talk to you or return a simple hello message because they have received nothing but a steady stream of horrible messages from low-lifes since they joined the site and are therefore unwilling to take any more chances on anyone.

But here is the rub....the jerks would not use their foul methods if it did not work for them an acceptable amount of times. Personally I could never employ such methods but there is obviously some allure to the "bad boy" path that some women respond to, at least at first.

It works in reverse too mind last interaction with a lady on this site ended up being a bit shaky as well. She indicated that she lived in the next town over from me. This turned out to be a lie when I asked if we could meet for lunch and found out she actually lived several STATES away. Foolishly, I decided to continue to talk to her only to find that she had also given me a false email address and name! So just a couple of quick tips....if you are looking to build a relationship with someone always show them respect and don't try to build your relationship on a lie....much less three! LOL

This post made me vomit.

No one misunderstood you either, you have a ridiculous white knighting notion.
You are justifying the existence of creeps by saying that it is fed and encouraged by women themselves...

I'll let you think over that again.

A lot of his previous posts come across as woe is me whining about how much of a nice guy he is and how it's so unfair nobody loves him. I get the feeling he's one of those "nice guys."

Case in point:

You know...I remember when this site was a place that people of a like mind and admiration of all the plus-sized fetish topics could come together and enjoy each others company and have open-minded and intelligent discussions on all topics.

If this where we are now? Personal attacks on people when their views and opinions don't seem to synch with your own? Tell me, what did I say that seems to have upset you to the point where you had to launch acid-tipped comments directed at me?

Yes...I may have a "white-knight" attitude but that probably has to do with my upbringing that taught me that all people are deserving of respect until they prove otherwise, this is especially true of women. I am sorry that this seems to run contrary to your beliefs and that it offends you.

And that you for bringing up that previous post of does relate to this subject. Is there something so wrong with expecting someone to acknowledge your presence when you say hello to them? I often use the example of talking to someone in the real world and them ignoring you. I personally feel it is a bit rude and also you potentially miss the chance to make a new friend. But to each their own.

Again...sorry my apparently antiquated views of how to treat others offended both of you and made one of you vomit. LOL
10 years

Are there any non-creepy guys?

Murphy wrote:
LyteWing wrote:
While there are still many great guys out there (I would like to consider myself one but then again all the creeps think they are great too) they seem to be far over-shadowed by the creepy jerks. My personal experience with this site is that most women will not even talk to you or return a simple hello message because they have received nothing but a steady stream of horrible messages from low-lifes since they joined the site and are therefore unwilling to take any more chances on anyone.

But here is the rub....the jerks would not use their foul methods if it did not work for them an acceptable amount of times. Personally I could never employ such methods but there is obviously some allure to the "bad boy" path that some women respond to, at least at first.

So when women get messages from jerks it's their own fault because women actually prefer "bad boys"?

Have you actually spoken to women about this? Because it sounds like a narrative that's being set up rather than something that actually happens. I hear it mostly from dejected guys who are lashing out in an attempt to soothe their bruised egos. I almost never hear this sort of thing from women.

I think you misunderstood me. I was trying to say that the creeps keep up their ways because a certain amount of women respond to them in a way they find favorable. I certainly did not imply that women bring it upon themselves as you seem to think.

And yes...I have heard that many women do not reply to messages on the assumption that the sender is a creep straight from the women themselves. Have I talked to all women on this site? No. But neither did I say all women here feel that way, just a fairly substantial amount.

You say you never hear this from women, but have you asked? I have and all I did was relay my findings.
10 years

Are there any non-creepy guys?

While there are still many great guys out there (I would like to consider myself one but then again all the creeps think they are great too) they seem to be far over-shadowed by the creepy jerks. My personal experience with this site is that most women will not even talk to you or return a simple hello message because they have received nothing but a steady stream of horrible messages from low-lifes since they joined the site and are therefore unwilling to take any more chances on anyone.

But here is the rub....the jerks would not use their foul methods if it did not work for them an acceptable amount of times. Personally I could never employ such methods but there is obviously some allure to the "bad boy" path that some women respond to, at least at first.

It works in reverse too mind last interaction with a lady on this site ended up being a bit shaky as well. She indicated that she lived in the next town over from me. This turned out to be a lie when I asked if we could meet for lunch and found out she actually lived several STATES away. Foolishly, I decided to continue to talk to her only to find that she had also given me a false email address and name! So just a couple of quick tips....if you are looking to build a relationship with someone always show them respect and don't try to build your relationship on a lie....much less three! LOL
10 years

Big girls i have a question...

I peeked in here to confirm a suspicion I have formed years ago from intuition and experience. I never asked this question here but always assumed that were it to be asked that the answer would be that 95% or more would prefer the slim guy. So far the thread answers seem to bear this out.

No BBW love for the big guys. :o
10 years

Anime theme songs

The opening theme for Deadman Wonderland is also on my all-time favorite list...

And I can't forget the opening from Tokko titled Nothing

11 years

Pro-fat songs

Overlooked so far are two of my personal favorites from Chunky Pam


And PAMpered (could not find the original video so this will have to do)
11 years

Anime theme songs

I have a few but my current favorite is Number One. It is Ichigo's fight theme from Bleach.

Have a listen.....
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

amidsttundra wrote:
LyteWing wrote:
Thanks to the internet and great sites like this it has become much easier for BBWs and BHMs to make connections with partners but I have noted that it is usually a "criss-cross" match (BBW wants a slim/buff man or vice-versa). I personally keep finding myself disappointed as a BHM by rejection from BBWs who only date slender men. .

The internet doesn't make the world physically closer. I've met a few girls from sites like these, but I'm lucky if they're on the same continent. I'm sure the perfect girl is out there, but probably thousands of miles from my current destination... POF was never the place I thought I'd meet the "perfect" girl.

Agreed, that is why I just said that it made it easier to make a "connection" and used it in the general form. Though I am sure most would prefer a physical connection, when that is not possible for one reason or another any form of connection is better than nothing. Besides, I am of the mind that you have to make an emotional and/or mental connection to a person before a physical connection becomes viable.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

I have an ad on POF and have tried Craig's List. Honestly, neither have produced meaningful results. In fact one very odd thing I have noticed is that 90% of the replies I have gotten from POF have been from either I attract teachers or there are lots of teachers on that site.

I even placed an ad on this site thinking that this was the perfect place to find my perfect woman but have had no luck here either.

On whatever site I place an ad on, I feel it is important to be upfront about your preferences. I always make it very clear that I find larger women to be more attractive, but at the same time I also make it clear that looks are not the first thing I look for in a woman. It really doesn't matter how attractive someone is if they are not compatible with you on other more meaningful levels.

It is very hard to find the right person....even harder for certain groups of people. Thanks to the internet and great sites like this it has become much easier for BBWs and BHMs to make connections with partners but I have noted that it is usually a "criss-cross" match (BBW wants a slim/buff man or vice-versa). I personally keep finding myself disappointed as a BHM by rejection from BBWs who only date slender men. But I suppose that is all part of the daily struggle we must all endure called life. :-)

At any rate I hope we can all find happiness in the embrace of our Mr. or Ms. Right one day.
11 years
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