Bmi. what's yours?

Yew, let's see!
1 year

What was the first experience that awakened this fetish?

4th grade, watching a very fat girl squeeze in and out her desk. Rather than thinking mean thoughts about her, I was mesmerized without really understanding why. I still don't fully understand why (but now have some insight), but it's been a lifelong fascination, fetish, desire.
1 year

Padding in your childhood

Yep, sure did stuff pillows under my shirt and waddle around telling myself how fat I was. That was a long time ago and today people are still doing it...there's got to be some biological hard-wiring to make us love fat bodies so much.
1 year

What languages do you speak?

English and Bullshit
2 years

Feeding while pleasured

Feeding a feedee partners during sex is an incredibly sexual and sensual experience for both. I've that feeding sensual foods like mini-cream puffs or sucking from a shake bag to be the pleasurable and exhilarating.
2 years

Funnel feeding

Make the most fattening gain shake you can and thin it with enough half n half so you can use a bite tube and hydration bag to suck and control the flow to your desire. Also works great one someone else because the feel more in control and just lay back and suck down thousands of fattening calories while you do whatever you can do to encourage their gluttony.
3 years

First feeding experience

How do you clean the film of the heavy cream, that’s left behind?
You need to clean the bag and tube thoroughly with hot soapy water and rinse well.
3 years

First feeding experience

Ahhh the first time is like crack! You just want more and more feeding and fattening experiences! It's the intimacy that really makes it so sensual; the sharing and letting go together. Making it fun and humorous and accepting some of the awkwardness of the newness helps. With pudding, I suggest making a super fattening version (with heavy cream) and using a pastry piping bag. Funneling with just a plain kitchen funnel can be fun, but I found a hiker's hydration bag even sexier because the person can control the flow by biting the tube. That way you can see how gluttonous and aroused they are you encourage and whisper while rubbing, fondling, squeezing their fatness. The key is making a gain shake that flows easily through the tube when sucked on. I suggest a pint of melted vanilla ice cream mixed with Scandishake gain powder and enough half and half to make it flow easily. Just make it fun and giggle a lot and the pounds will follow.
3 years

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

I was fascinated by fat long before it became sexual, but I remember being very interested in the Loony Tunes cartoon where Daffy Duck purposely gets fat to avoid being selected for Thanksgiving. The scenes of gorging and being lazy and flabbed out stuck with me. I used to pad myself with a big round belly. In 5th grade, I was transfixed by an extremely fat girl struggling in her desk. In high school I admired a fat, pretty blonde from afar. Yeah, it's been a life-long, little-understood fetish and love.
3 years

Started padding again!

It really is remarkable how horny padding fatter makes one feel. I remember doing it as a child, before I could define the feeling. I do it now every so often to have a big, cumbersome belly. I suspect the real turn-on is when you grow as fat as your previous padding size.
3 years
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