Any european bbw dreaming of having a family?

I'm Dutch and looking to meet a cute BBW who's ready to settle down and have a family.
I love music, movies and series, concerts, painting and creativity and kindness.
Let's chat?
8 months

Crossing the threshold of being officially overweight

Fat On The Inside:
That's a really good question. He does not know I am doing this on purpose, but he wants to be truthful with me while encouraging me to just be myself as I have had weight issues in the past. I ask him daily, "Do you like the way I look?" He always says, "Every part of you." I know he does too. But I have been thinking about what I'm doing and wondering if it's right of me. I don't want to be disloyal or anything....

You're just living out a deep desire of yours that is a part of you. You shouldn't hide parts of yourself from him, but at the same time, how can this be disloyal, when it's just being true to who and what you are?
1 year

Looking for a cute, family-oriented gainer.

Hello to the lovely family-oriented ladies out there.
I hope to meet a cute girl who likes to gain and wants to have children. I have a thing for both gaining and pregnancy, so gaining while pregnant is one of the most beautiful things in the world for me.

I once saw a profile that read: "All I want to do is keep getting fatter and push out babies."
I thought that was so ridiculously hot. I hope to meet a girl with a similar mindset.

Hit me up. 😘
1 year

Shows and movies

I recommend Arcane as well! I’ve also been watching The Boys

Great shows!
Love death & robots is a must see as well.
1 year

Looking for an eu based, family oriented girl

Live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. Got a spare room. πŸ˜πŸ’―
2 years

Looking for an eu based, family oriented girl

I'm still looking for a cute girl from the EU region (for long term-potential) who's looking to settle down and start a family.
With all the lockdowns, it's probably a good time for it. πŸ˜‰
2 years

* location shout outs part 3*

Netherlands, looking for a sweet, family oriented girl. 😘
2 years

Life of a 850 lb death feedest.

You know you don't have to constantly create new forum posts. You can just reply to your own and it gets bumped up.
3 years

Looking for a sweet, family oriented girl in the eu

Anyone curious or up for a chat, lemme know. ☺️
3 years

Looking for a sweet, family oriented girl in the eu

Hello again FF,
Dutch guy, 44, father to a 12 yr old boy, looking for a gentle, caring and family oriented girl from the EU region to share life with and hopefully have some of our own children with.
Check out my profile and leave me a message if you're curious.
Hope to hear from you!
3 years
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