Merry christmas/happy holidays

This is after the fact so Merry Christmas! I had a great time with family so as a result, I haven't logged on recently and missed this post. And a Happy belated Hanukah as well! My family observes both Christian and Jewish traditions. After all, the one we (Christians) call our savior was a Hebrew!
9 years


Tate wrote:

Submissive: If you're submissive all the time that's not attractive, but if you are sexually submissive then you're pressing the right buttons haha. Being in control allows me determine your actions and set your limits. Watching a woman play sex Simon says while struggling to consume the numerous fat loaded foods I demand her to eat, well laddies and gents, that is fun.

FEEDEES: Feeding is my 10 when it comes to sexual acts. I can count on one hand other acts that bring me past a five, thus feeding is necessary for me to have a happy sexual life. I've fed girls who are not part of the fetish and it's not the same. Only when feeding provides peak eroticism for all people involved can you really enjoy this fetish to it's maximum potential. NOTHING is hotter.

I would say that Tate covered the core basics for me!

A few more include -

Seeing a woman enjoy her food passionately! Like she is about to have a sexual orgasm from/with it! And eating tremendously large, and I mean incredibly tremendously large portions of food!

Hearing a woman mown as a result of a bad stomach ache due to a massive binge/force feeding.

Sitting a woman on my lap and rubbing her belly after a massive stuffing.

That stare/look a woman gives me when she knows she is going to be feed delicious food until she is hurting.

Sex with a gorgeous babe with an incredibly bloated overstuffed belly! Heaven!

Corsets! I know this is opposite of everything I wrote because it really cinches the waist but DAMN its HOTT to see a woman in a corset! And nothing else!

I love incredibly intelligent women! I like my lady to be the sharpest knife in the draw! I can hold my own with a woman like that! Knowledge about all sorts of things in addition to well educated. Even if it's trivial stuff.

Sharply Dress! That is a must for me. I enjoy shopping and I'm not afraid to drop some $$$ on a nice suite and I will do the same to dress my lady! When I'm out, I want my lady to be the best dress there! I want us to be the best dressed couple there.

I have no problems seeing a woman spew as a result of eating entirely way, way too much.

I have another really wild one..... I like to give women enemas!
9 years

Is anyone else here into puke?

Over the years I have written several posts on this site about personal experiences I have had regarding getting puked on by my ladies as a result of extreme over feeding (in some cases force feeding). From my very first high school g/f to every relationship I have had since then, every woman I have been with has puked from overeating. No exceptions! I don't mean just once or twice I mean periodically. Several times per month in some cases. On several occasions I have actually be puked on! Life lesson #1; if I overstuff a woman to the point where she is in pain, DO NOT have sex with her with her on top! All of a sudden gravity is not your friend... Life lesson #2; always have a "catch bucket" close by; even in your car. If you push your feedee's stomach way past it's limit.....its going to come back up. I'm so used to seeing a woman spew that it does not bother me at all. It's actually like a badge of success! And if she does go to the restroom to let it out, I don't like my ladies puking into a toilet. I don't want her staring into a toilet and I don't want toilet water splashing back up at her. I have her release into a bucket and while she is freshening up, I pour the stuff into the toilet and wash the bucket out. Been doing that for years!
What I can say about original topic is; I do find it's Hot to see a beautiful woman standing up and bent completely over, butt naked purging. I don't care to see a woman sitting on the bathroom floor wrapped around the toilet spewing.
9 years

Is it possible to pop?

The likelihood of someone eating to the verge of actually bursting their stomach is almost nonexistent. Several factors come into play. First, gastric pressure increases to the point your esophagus muscles cannot contain the contents of the stomach (Puke)! Second, the intense pain of an overstretched stomach will deter further consumption of food or drink. Third, long before your stomach will actually burst, it will expand tremendously to the clinical definition of "Acute Gastric Dilation", I have person knowledge will explain further later in this post. Acute gastric dilation occurs when a person eats enormous quantities of food and drink forcing the stomach to stretch far beyond it's normal capacity. Typically, it's very painful and Gastric Lavage (stomach pumping) needs to be performed once this occurs because the extremely overstretched stomach cannot perform it's normal rhythmic smooth muscle contractions to move the contents onward and into the intestines. I will add that with increased pressure in the stomach the lower sphincter muscle also releases stomach contents into the intestines (unprocessed) to further aid in the prevention of a stomach rupture. The esophagus muscles also become stronger and develop the ability to hold down much higher than "normal stomach" pressure.

I will add that from a personal experience with an ex, it is extremely dangerous for a binge eater to have a medical prescription for muscle relaxer and pain killer. I have an ex who pulled some muscles in her back and was prescribed Demerol and muscle relaxer. Two meds that should never be prescribed to an extreme binge eater! Just imagine, you feel no pain and your muscles are relaxed and can stretch and stretch and stretch! Yes, I actually had to drive my ex to the ER after a massive binge (acute gastric dilation) to have her stomach pumped! 11-1/2 liters of stuff was evacuated from her stomach and a mandatory psychiatric consultation....... Long story!
9 years


For me the accent is a nice feature but overall irrelevant. It's the voice of the woman that does it for me. If I had to say that an accent did it for me; I would have to say a true southern Belle with a sultry voice would be the one. For me; it's not the accent, it's the sound of the woman's voice. But then again, I know there are accents that I just don't like! I won't list them so that I do not offend anyone.
9 years


Patron Silver ice cold.
Stolichnaya Elit vodka.
And I also like craft beers...
9 years

University shoutouts

University of South Florida And it's actually located in Tampa not South Florida
9 years

What is happening on saturday

Yes! That is so much fun! I don't partake in the eating but I have taken a lady out to diner and after eating on the drive home done one of several things. 1. Order extra food to go. 2. On the drive home go through several drive thrus and picked up food so she can continue eating sometimes going to another drive thru to get more food while she is still eating! 3. Ordered delivery while driving home after leaving a restaurant. Love it!
Tell us about your experience.
9 years

Volume of a human stomach

The volume or “capacity” of the human stomach is not fixed. It can easily be increased or decreased. Since the stomach is a muscular pouch it can be stretched over a period of time by overfilling it on a regular basis. If you overstuff yourself and further bloat your stomach with large quantities of liquid after a major stuffing you will develop a slightly painful or uncomfortable feeling (some people love that feeling). That feeling is your stomach actually stretching! smiley If you want to increase your capacity, just keep pushing yourself on a regular basis. Consistency is more important than an occasional extreme stuffing or binge. The bigger your stomach gets the easier and faster it will stretch because the stomach has more surface area that can stretch.
9 years
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