Weight loss rethinking

I'm currently losing weight for surgery.

Never wanted to lose weight and I have to go from fat to barely chubby in the process but I have every intention of gaining it all back and a lot more after I'm recovered.

Losing weight gives me body dysphoric feelings, I'd rather risk the health issues of obesity than not live my life out as fat person.
1 year

Tips on heavy cream

I like to mix heavy cream with a small amount of peanut butter cup flavoured protein powder and dilute the mixture with water to thin it out a bit.

Makes it easier to drink and better tasting.
1 year

You know you're fat when:

when you ask for a fork with your Dominos order and the person at the counter asks "just one?"
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

I've been fairly open about a lot of it with friends and family.

For a long time everyone has known that I prefer bigger girls or guys and I'm quite certain most of my friends know that my weight gain has been on purpose. I've also explicitly told my mom that I've been getting fat on purpose, which she isn't super fond of, as well as my doctor.

I will admit though it would be much easier if I was always fat and didn't have to be seen going through a dramatic transformation.
1 year

Who is open about their feederism?

A few of my friends know that my weight gain has been intentional, though I explain as finding fat bodies more attractive and simply wanting that for myself. It helps that I've always been very open about my preference for larger folk in general.

I did have to tell my mom that I'm getting fat on purpose after she gave me grief for it, which she wasn't thrilled about. I imagine I'll have to repeat myself when she inevitably comments on my weight again after I gain the next 40lbs
1 year

Empowering yourself as an overweight person.

You might also enjoy this dude

He's a plus size hiker. Nothing insanely impressive but it's representation of fat people being active and outdoorsy
1 year

Empowering yourself as an overweight person.

This 270lb skateboarder kicks ass

There's also a skateboarder on instagram called heavyweighthogey that's pretty cool. He's not quite as good as the dude from the video I linked but still inspiring.
1 year

Unorthodox feminization

I discovered an odd way to wank when I was 8 or so. Not that I knew what I was doing then, it just felt nice! I will squeeze my soft penis between mt legs. I can cum quickly and without being hard. I'm sure it would be possible to do this with a fupa.

I have never heard of this before. Do any other cis men have experience in this? Please speak up if you do!

I have found other ways of orgasming while soft, it can be a pretty hot experience
1 year

Gaining whilst remaining active

I do weight lifting twice a week, 30 minutes of medium intensity cardio 2-3 times a week and 5km walks almost every day.

At the same time I've gone from 175lbs to 212lbs with mostly fat gains (and still going). I'm fatter than most of my friends yet have way better aerobic endurance than them plus some nice muscle mass underneath the fat to support my activity.

Being fat and fit is definitely doable, though there's no getting around the fact that it WILL get harder as you get heavier. I highly recommend taking gaining breaks and maintaining periodically to give yourself time to build endurance and strength at new weights before getting heavier.
1 year

How to gain weight despite exercise

It's as simple as eating more calories.

For one you should start counting your calorie intake and ideally figure out how many you are burning through swimming and walking. You'll also want to know your daily required amount to keep your weight.

My guess is that if you're in the low 200s, eating 3200 calories a day will likely be enough to ensure you are at a surplus of some kind (though it might be a small one potentially).

Easiest way to get those calories in would be drinking heavy cream at the end of every day. Combine that with increased portion sizes for every meal and some added snaking in between and you won't be able to stop getting fatter.
1 year
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