Profile search issue

Hi Guys, I search through local profiles several times a week to see who's new. But I've come across a glitch that you might be unaware of. If you do a search and move to from page one to another page and then select page one, you'll get a list populated with profiles that were't origionally on page one. Which makes me wonder if some profiles could be missing from the list.

It could be 'distance' fighting against 'length of inactivity'. Just wanted to let you know.
7 years

Underweight female to gain weight? high calorie meal plans? very open to an unhealthy lifestyle?

There are some hypothetical weight gain ideas that are very unhealthy. Most people avoid these idea because they value their health. But you might take a shine to them.

1. Alcohol - I've heard that the liver will try to metabolise alcohol before fat. So chasing a fattening meal with a unit of alcohol in any form should help you store fat.

2. Chugging - the easiest way to consume more calories is to drink it. Make friends with melted icecream. Wait until it's thawed and chug it. Just make sure theres no chocolate choking hazards. To make it more fattening try stirring is a shot of high calorie oil or high fructose corn syrup.

3. Set an alarm everynight to disrupt your sleep right in the middle of your planned sleep duration. Gorge on something quick like cake or something quick to microwave. Then back to sleep on a full stomach. Use plenty of pillows to keep your head raised.
8 years

The usa' 1st and only goth/alt club for bbws

This club sounds too niche to be true. It's incredible that the Gothic scene in this area is so thriving that it can afford to segment down further. If there were such an event near me I would make the effort to go. I hope it was a success.
8 years

Anyone in scotland ?

Hey holly, I live in Scotland and I'm aggrieved at the derth of FA based events happening in this country. I'm glad you've taken the first step to creating a social scene.
9 years

Animation on roger rabbit

Fantastic post. Love the range of characters used. Roger doesn't know how good he has it.
9 years

Drive thru bakery scotland

Vampyr Dreams wrote:
I thought it would have been done in the USA first since they love food so much!

But at the same time, the Scottish invented Deep Fried Mars Bars so it shouldn't let it past me.

But overall its actually a creative and brilliant idea smiley

For all I know it could be a common thing in America, maybe an American can let us know, but it'll be a first for the UK if it's approved. I think we also invented deep fried, battered pizza.
9 years

Drive thru bakery scotland

Exciting news has emerged that a Fife bakery in Scotland has applied for planning permission to build our first drive thru bakery. As far as I know the closest thing to this currently is the Krispy Kreme drive thru in Edinburgh. But unlike Krispy Kreme this branch of Stephens Bakery will be offering the full range of products expected from a bakery.

As expected health campaigners have already condemned the plan as unhealthy and encouraging an overindulgent sedentary lifestyle. But I believe that the success of this proposal will add momentum to whoever triumphs. Either creating presidence for health campaigners to site in order to block other such proposals; or to create basis for more fast food places to reference to build their businesses. I for one envy the food culture of the U.S. in terms of its variety and quality, and would welcome greater choice and ease of attaining food in my own country.

Support food service development and expansion.
9 years

Bigger belly or bigger butt?

I'm a big apple admirer. I prefer a round protruding belly over every other body shape.
9 years

Government: "fat bad"

Anti-Obesity propaganda and initiatives seem to be everywhere these days. I'd be really interested to know of any that you may have noticed in your area. Do they infuriate you? Or can you see the method in the madness?

In the UK the initiative of treating obesity like the smoking threat has been proposed. Removing ads for food/drinks high in sugar from all media, removing snacks/drinks high in sugar or fat away from high impulse buying areas in shops and introducing health warnings to packaging of such items. I find this kind of infuriating as it implies that people aren't aware of what they're eating and as educating them has failed, removing the temptations is the only option.

What else is going on out there?
10 years

Feedee stuffage

Hello, there has been a few occasions where I've overfed my girlfriend to the point where it's dangerous to touch her. Normally belly rubs are good but I'm talking about that stage where she's lying there and saying 'STOP! Or I'm going to be sick.' She says it's that point where we've filled up all the space in her stomach and any pressure or jiggling might just cause her to Buckeroo! Lol.

My question is this: have any feeders ever had any experiences with this stage or further? Has anyone ever had any accidents with a too full feedee?
10 years
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