Heavy cream is very sneaky

Today I discovered how awesome strawberry ensure plus and heavy cream is, downed a pint (1600 calories) and two bottles of ensure (700 calories) sooo tasty smiley)
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

It's weird, I've had pretty much 500ml-1L each day for the last three days and I've also been adding dextrose to help with the fat absorbsion. And I've noticed just today that my thighs feel bigger, it's probably mind over matter but I want more smiley
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I wonder, does the metamucil in any way reduce or prevent the absortion of the fat? Iam not sure, but is there anyway to reverse the effects of drinking the heavy cream. I am hopping that once swallowed and broken down by the body, that there is no way to remove it from the body.

I hope not lol I usually allow about 8 hours before I take the metamucil. And I also have an ensure plus right before bed smiley)
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I've started drinking heavy cream and its so addicting, a week ago I had a small carton and it was so good I went back and got another.

I love that a 500ml carton has 1600 calories, but the cholesterol is a big concern so I've started using metamucil to help balance it out (plus if you follow the directions it adds another 200+ calories per day) the last two days I've drank almost two litres

I haven't noticed any gains yet, is it true what they say about it causing delayed results ?
8 years

Slim gay for fat gay

Use Grommr, it's pretty much exclusively for gay/bi
8 years
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