Bmi. what's yours?

30.7 as of this writing.

Hoping to reach 33.7, or maybe even 35 by the end of this year.
1 month

Shoe size advice/help? foot circumference? do i need wide?

Another factor I'm worried about, maybe more exclusive to those into feederism, is.. suppose I get those shoes in 9 Wide. How long can I expect them to last, until they no longer fit? How much more weight could I gain? There are shoes that use fake leather which are cheaper, but they won't hold up well and may fall apart quickly.

I'm particularly annoyed, because those dress boots in 8.5? I bought two pairs, around 2-3 years ago, at around $100 each. Both pairs seem to be quite good condition, but they no longer fit. It may even be possible to sell them used, albeit at a deeply discounted price. In retrospect, they were already a little snug, though at the time, comfortably so. Perhaps I should have ordered size 9 or even size 9W, but how was I to really know?

I noticed a discount code I can use to buy a pair directly from the manufacturer, but I don't know how much longer it will be good for. The return policy scares me, as it suggests if I try them on, I would be unable to return them. From their page - "To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging." They also appear to ship via UPS exclusively, and I have not had good experiences with UPS lately.

But I might just be desperate enough, and my gut feeling is telling me I should buy these shoes. But, I'm trying to let reason prevail over emotion, and asking for advice from a group that I think would be more keenly aware of this problem.

Amazon does have that 7-Day try-on program, and this model is ordinarily available this way. But, the discount code I mentioned won't work this way. Amazon will only do that 7-Day try-on program only for items in stock, and as of this writing they're out of stock there for another 10 days or so. And there's no guarantee they won't go out of stock almost right away - Amazon claims 9 Wide is the most popular size for this shoe.

This is a topic that I'm very surprised doesn't come up more often here on FF.
1 month

Shoe size advice/help? foot circumference? do i need wide?

Too long, didn't read

I'm hoping that some users can share information like height, and BMI/weight at each shoe size, and how heavy you were when you had to upgrade to the next shoe size, and what size you ultimately upgraded to. But realistically, I doubt many people keep track of this. But even fuzzy recollections may still be helpful! Be sure to mention if it's men's or women's size, and which size system (US, UK, EU, AU, etc.).

And, I think I may need 9 Wide.

The Long Version

For a long time, I was a U.S. Men's 8.5 (Regular, not Wide). I even had a particular brand and model of boots that for a time, felt damn near perfect. Slightly snug but seemed to fit just right, and I felt like I could go almost forever. Well, not forever, but you know what I mean, hopefully. They're what one might call "dress boots" which are very versatile and good for most occasions, either work in an office or any day to day stuff.

But, there came a time when it was nearly impossible to get my size 8.5 side zip boots on. I gained weight, and now I think my feet might be too fat. When I tried it again with those same boots, in the past week or so, it was impossible, even with using a shoehorn.

I also have some other size 8.5 shoes and sneakers I don't think I'll ever be able to use again. They also have shoelaces which I've come to hate.

In a panic, I bought what I thought was the equivalent off of E-Bay, except in size 9.5, for only $40. I think they might be knockoffs. "If it sounds too good to be true," after all. As knockoffs go, they aren't bad and could be far worse. The only apparent bit of bonded leather (what a terrible material! Avoid it!) seems to be inside the top part of the shaft, which started to fall apart from the first couple wears. At least the outside hasn't come apart, and it did smell like real leather when I first got it out of the box.

Except.. the 9.5 boots feels snug on the sides, and after awhile I deal with my feet shifting forwards and back, which suggest they're too long.

It's been unpleasant over the last couple months or so since I got them. If I walk for more than maybe half an hour at a time, my feet are almost in agony. My toenails seem to be poking and scratching the top of the toe box area. Also after awhile, the boot shaft feels like it's chafing the ankles. I blame the whatever it is that goes underneath a bonded leather surface, though the socks take the brunt of it.

The pain and severe discomfort got so bad, I sometimes ended up walking quite slowly just to avoid the toenail scratching.

I do have some size 9.5 slip-on sneakers which seem less keen on slipping forwards and back, but I can tell the insole feels a bit too narrow. That, and such shoes aren't really appropriate for most occasions and tasks.

Another concern is shoe size is only 2 dimensions - length and width. Each size number refers to length and has a different standard width distance associated with each length size. Then, there appears to be a standard length/distance by which "wide" shoes are wider than the standard width of the associated size number.

I tried to find out of there's an associated foot circumference with each size, but I couldn't find any such table. Maybe I'm overthinking it.

Recently, I measured my foot size, according to standard Brannock Device measurements (US sizes). I came up with something between 8.5 and 9, and between B and D width. I think B corresponds with "normal," "regular," or "medium" and D corresponds with "wide," as far as I can tell. If I'm reading and understanding this correctly, this means I need a 9 Wide, although I might not quite fill it out, at least not yet.

Annoyingly, "wide" shoes are not super common. "Extra wide" is less common than that. Trying shoes on person is not really an option. The shoes I prefer are unlikely to be in stock, or if in stock, not in the right size. Many models of shoes don't even come in wide. I want to maybe get this exact model of shoe again, but I will have to order it online.
1 month

Has anyone gained strictly from fast food?

I’m severely underweight about 125 but my goal is around 180-200 could I gain enough to reach my goal in a short amount of time (without dying lol) by eating strictly fast food it would be easier to get my calories up and I could eat it in my car since I’d like to gain in private or are there any ways I could my hands on healthier high calorie meals that I don’t have to cook at home?

It's a big world, so there's probably someone out there who did it. But, I wouldn't advise it for two, very big reasons.

It's Not Cost Efficient.

I'm pretty sure you don't want to spend well over a grand a month on takeout food. Before you say "no way!," let me point out the largest combos at various fast food joints, at least in my area, can be around $15-17 each. Do that twice a day, and that's $900 a month.

Good grief.. even pre-made frozen meals from the grocery store are cheaper than that, and they often aren't the most cost efficient thing either.

If it's same day delivery (e.g. DoorDash or UberEats), the cost will double, at least. I hope you never use such a service, but if you do, STOP. Most fast food joints have drive-through lines, which are faster, and the actual food is fresher too, and that's if you get fast food.

It's Not Particularly Healthful

Even if okay, you're richer than God or King Croesus, and you don't have much financial sense (I could talk about the value of investments but that's a digression), it's still not that great of an idea.

Somehow, in many cases, the fast food giants have figured out how to made most of their stuff in the cheapest and worst ways possible, so they might lack nutritional value, and you do need vitamins.

At the very least, try to mix in some better food, or at least take some sort of multivitamin each day.

There's plenty of ways to have better food that's nevertheless very high in calories.

And the soda, all that horrible soda. I'm convinced it's the worst thing ever, and it wouldn't even help with your goals. I don't know about you, but if I try to drink too much soda, like half a liter or whatever, suddenly I just want to sleep within the next hour or so, and I can't focus on anything. I think it's because of the excessive amounts of HFCS in it. And HFCS is vile stuff. While you probably don't have to worry about trace amounts of it, soda has excessive amounts.

Curiously, if something has real sugar in it, it doesn't seem to have that effect on me. And if pure white can sugar is better, you know HFCS is very bad news.

HFCS also fucks with your glycemic levels in such a way that with all that soda, diabetes is pretty much guaranteed and that is NOT fun. You absolutely do NOT want that.

And all that soda? I'd wonder if you'd still have any teeth left after a decade or so.

There's definitely better ways to get the calories in and pack on that weight. Heavy cream, if used properly and correctly, can be very effective.

Other Thoughts

I don't know what you mean by a "short amount of time," but there are no quick, fast shortcuts. If you can gain an average of 1-2 lbs in a week, that's already pretty good. That works out to 52-104 lbs a year if you can keep it up, and that's something most haven't been able to do.

There have been multiple anecdotal reports of 120 lbs in a single year, though this isn't super common. There have also been reports of 20 lbs in a single month, but this is not a sustainable rate of gain, and most who have done so, were already pretty big to begin with.

Anyway, I'm not here to dissuade you from gaining, far from it. There are many people here who are willing to help you with tips and ideas. I am however trying to dissuade you from a "Supersize Me" challenge back to back for months on end, because I know you will regret it if you do.

And stay away from the soda, or at least really limit your intake of it.
1 month
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