Has anyone seen the movie, โ€œthe whaleโ€?

I didn't say you couldn't. I literally said that ascribing your health to your size is by definition fat phobic. Size is not a determinant of health. *****And it really should make you think twice that if you get off on people being unhealthy by your own definition why you want that. Couldn't possibly be that there is a superiority complex where fat people are inferior right?*****


That is exactly what I was thinking!!!
1 year

Ladies! what is your opinion on men that look pregnant? like a big ball belly

I really prefer fat all over, not to rain on anyoneโ€™s parade but I figured the person who started this probably wanted to hear different opinions. My favorites are - guys who are really wide and luv handles and back fat and big arms drive me insane. I also have a thing with guys having always been big, like chubby as kids (yes I know Iโ€™m the only one) but I think someone always being heavy helps the weight distribute more evenly.

All that said - in fantasies- my favorite is someone being stuck in a restaurant booth or chair- I do imagine a lot of roundness to the belly but also rolls forming on the back and sides as the belly rounds out, like their belly is overstuffed but the food is turning to fat right away, like rapid weight gain but even with that they are still big everywhere just with a rounded inflated belly. I love to use the word โ€œroundโ€ when I write but I mean more the belly/waist circumference as opposed to the belly looking round head on.
1 year

Offered diet pills

This medication is rarely prescribed for some reason - Contrave - is a diet pill that helps with cravings and is not an amphetamine. (I take both active ingredients in it Natrexone and Bupropion (Wellbutrin) ) and I think itโ€™s great! For me it helps with alcohol and sugar cravings. I think drs prescribing amphetamines to people who already may have high blood pressure insane.
Are you wanting to lose weight?
1 year

Your favorite ssbbw or bhm


Thank you!!!
1 year

Your favorite ssbbw or bhm

He isn't active anymore, but I really enjoy Daniel Keaton. He is an absolute eating machine. My favorite video is his last video. He'd stuffed himself for most of the day, and then came home to stuff himself even more.

He eat so much that his belly tore apart his button down shirt in the first several minutes. And he just kept going.

If you like overstuffed belches moans, and whimpers, there's plenty in all of his videos.

Where can they be found?
1 year

Why do men visit my profile (iโ€™m male)?

I am a straight male. When I post new pix, I get lots of men visiting and commenting, but very few women. Wonder why that is?

There are men attracted to men on this site. Some men (regardless of sexuality) like to look at men gaining for inspiration.

On the flip side, for women attracted to men, it's hard finding sexy pics on FF. With love, but many men aren't good at taking pictures on this site. The women tend to put the effort into the angles, backgrounds, and lighting. Meanwhile, the men kind of... sit there. The level of effort is not the same.

As such, many women attracted to men don't even bother looking.

Truer words have never been spoken!!! Same with Feabie!!! And I HATE the shooting from way below to make the belly look bigger thing, you canโ€™t even see what the person really looks like. Plus most men donโ€™t show their face which I find annoying too. Like, if anyone finds you on here that means that they were on here too, so what can they say?
1 year

Why do men visit my profile (iโ€™m male)?

I think male gainers like to look at other male gainers photos as goals / to imagine themselves that size
1 year

What can i do with my girlfriend?

I donโ€™t know if you are just about feeding, but too tight clothing can give great gaining illusions!
3 years

Young looking 31 year old lgbtq gainer.

If you're a man and LGBTQ and looking for someone to grow and be with you, hit me up. I'm a young looking guy who is willing to get bigger

31 IS young!!!
3 years

Coping when a partner wants to lose weight

She was only taking about a small gain. It hardly would have an impact on his risk of diabetes. But if it has a dramatic effect on sexual desire then that would have to be looked at closely

She is saying he wants to lose weight for health reasons such as preventing diabetes. And she is scared that the weight loss will make it hard for her to still be attracted to him.

I understand that concern but on FF people think just because something turns them on they are absolutely entitled to make the person they are with conform to their sexual ideal.

All men watch porn. Do they give their wife's and girlfriends the ultimatum that- if they don't look exactly like a porn star they can't be with them? No, of course not.

But in this community people feel completely justified asking their partners to do things that any sane person would realize is unhealthy. I think it is good that she is conflicted about the way she feels.

And the way you said "feed him to" whatever weight as if he's not even human is disturbing to me.

- to the person who started this thread

- I get not wanting to be with someone skinny, I couldn't do it either. But the reality of being with someone 400lbs isn't as great as you think it would be. I think it is a normal thing for an FA to worry about weight loss, but I don't think you should tell him he can't go below a certain weight. It is still his body. I think it is good that you realize the importance of his health. I think it would be completely wrong to sabotage his weight loss. I honestly don't think you will lose your attraction to him. Also I know for me when I'm having sex I fantasize about stuff like in the stories on here. If you can relate to that you can enjoy him being happier and healthier in real life but fantasize about him gaining when you are having sex. For me personally I fantasize about humiliation senerios that would be horrifying in real life but turn me on a lot when I fantasize about them. Get some too tight pants for him to wear to role play gaining. You can get creative with it.
3 years
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