Bbw events uk

I long for a UK event! I've tried to organise small get togethers with no real success, and the only events I can see are Club Indulge. Also events are mainly based in London but they do venture out occasionally to other parts of UK for us northern folk.

Miss Otis one of the administrators (Many many years ago now) helped to organise some FF Halloween events, but we've not done that in forever.

I organised a Birmingham event probably over 10 years ago now which was just a trip to Cadbury and a dinner out, so not really a party set up. But again trying to organise something similar has proved difficult, but maybe I will give it another go, or maybe you would be up for organising a meet up. Nothing stopping anyone form planning an event really.

Big Girls Paradise who did events in London / Manchester and the beauty pageant for BBW's went bust. I believe there were lots of issues with the organiser, which we won't go into.

Biggies also disappeared which was a club evening in London. Not sure what happened with this one tbh but it is sorely missed.

Club Indulge really does seem to be the only place at the moment catering to the market. I've not actually attended an Indulge get together yet so not sure what they are like but the pictures look fun. Sorry to hear that you were made to feel unwelcome, especially via an automated email.

I know on the website they do make it clear that it is a safe space for plus size folk to just enjoy being plus size without any fetish or kink stuff involved. From the website...

We have a strict 'No Creeps' policy, but we get that the plus size dating scene is small and toxic. So any so-called 'admirers' must understand their admittance is a privilege not a right. At best they are barely tolerated, and any creepy behaviour will be swiftly dealt with, both on-line and at events. Chucking creepy men out is our favourite part!)

But if that's what is worrying you, then don't because I have seen plenty of folks from the scene in the UK that identify as admirers, encouragers and feeders that are in the photo galleries and attend these events regularly.

Just attend have fun and enjoy yourself and see it as a night out and not a kink event. I am sure you will be fine!

Maybe others who have been to Club Indulge can give a better idea of what it's like to make you feel more welcome and comfortable attending. On their site they do say everyone who attends is very friendly and people who are on their own are usually quick to make friends. So it seems like a good night out!
7 months

Any experience with wooplus?

I recently joined Wooplus, just to check it out as I actually hadn't heard of it before *totally out of the loop*.

Platform seems to be ok, easy to use and search for people. But have to say the interactions I have had, left a lot to be desired. That's just my experience in the past week of making an account, and tbh I'm not sure dating apps are for me so likely to delete it. But don't let that deter you. I think it's best to try things and feel it out for yourself, what works for some may not work for others!

Good Luck!
7 months

We need your help with - chat leak reports

A couple of days ago I had a discussion in the chat with some folks about the chat leaks that happen. Those in the chat decided that compiling some data would be helpful in finding out when and why this happens to see if there are patterns, and figure out how to fix the issue:

The easiest way collect the data would be to submit this to us on the site as and when it happens. To keep things private such as details about browsers and such, rather than posting all details here, it would be best to make an abuse report against FF Team Profile and copy the form / info below and fill it out.

I can then transfer this over to a program and do some data mining once we get enough reports.

Please submit an abuse report on the FF Team profile: Click Here

With the following details:

Time of chat leak:
Your time zone:
(For example England is BST British Summer Time).
Browser and version:
Using Mobile, Table, Desktop:
Using Mobile Data or Wifi:
Description of what happened immediately before, and after / what were your actions in the chat, what did you click on, were there any errors?:

For example:
* Did the chat automatically change to general before you sent the dm?
* Did you submit your dm in private chat and then chat changed to general?
* Is the dm shown in both private and general chat?
* Were you thrown into a private chat?
* Did the chat crash, freeze or have a blank screen when it happened or near to when the chat leak happened?
* Did your internet disconnect from mobile data or wifi?

Please also include anything else you can think of that you feel might be helpful?
8 months

Dead site?

Hey Folks,

So we have got the vdeo uplaod sorted now and the site seems to working as normal. Thanks for being patient with us as we went through and got this fixed!

If you do encounter other issues that we may have missed, please let us know.

FF Team
8 months

Dead site?

Thanks for getting in touch, and we apologies for any inconvenience with not being able to access the site.

We have been aware of the issue which occurred Wednesday 4pm BST, and have been working round the clock to get this fixed. Unfortunately we experienced some technical issues with the server. This resulted in the the site not functioning properly at first, and the site was completely down yesterday while we fixed the error and restarted the server.

Everything should be back up and running as normal now, but let us know fi you experience any issues with the site over the ext. couple of days.

FF Team
8 months

Error when editing profile

That's very odd as I'm using an android mobile and this is working ok for me.

If your uncomfortable sharing in forums... It would be good to get he device make and model and OS version you are using for both. Feel free to message me or email:

Silly question but your not viewing a cached page are you?

I will bring this up with hiccupx in the morning. But for now if you could just try clearing you cache and cookies that woukd just be something we can check off that you have tried, and will help us troubleshoot the issue.

FF Team
9 months

Error when editing profile

Hey 2seatsalways,

I have just checked profiles upon seeing this forum post. I can't see any errors when trying to edit text, location or profile picture on my profile.

So it could be that this has already been fixed, or it could be user specific. Can you let me know if this is still happening? If so, what device, browser and OS system are you using and I can try to do some testing.

FF Team
9 months

-4/0 views remaining

FF Team:
All issues have now been resolved. Thank you for your patience!

Take care,
FF Team

Letters And Numbers:
Is there a changlog for this update? I’m still getting weird errors on mobile. Lots of weird headers.


Thanks for bringing this up. Unfortunately it seems like one of our fixes yesterday have affected some other pages on the site.

This should now be sorted. Let me know if you see anything else that we may have missed and we can get on it straight away!

Cheers everyone for your patience and understanding!

Take care,
FF Team
9 months


Hi MrHips,

To add a profile pic / avatar follow the steps below:

Go to 'My Profile' you can find this in the left side menu.

On your profile there will be a little edit button next to the current default profile image. This is a little pink button with a camera icon.

Once you've clicked the above button this will open an upload form where you can choose a profile picture / avatar from your photos on the device you are using.

Hope this helps.

FF Team
10 months
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