"fat jeans"

Something about moving into 40 inch waist has me feeling trepidation. I love my body, my belly is getting more amazing every day and is so much fun to play with. I want more of that, but at the same time it's like crossing a line. Like when I hold up the 38s they look normal but the 40s really look like fat pants. Like they definitely say wide load.

I don't know why this is making me nervous, has this happened to anyone else? How to overcome it and keep gaining?
9 months

Should you get fat?

You should get chubby 92%
You should get obese 66%
You should get morbidly obese 54%

Guess I'm on the right track, though I may be bypassing chubby.
9 months

Hudson valley ny social group

Hungry lesbian looking for local women to go out for lunch or dinner with every now and then. I would like to get to know some folks, not a date (but maybe if we hit it off that will come later) so groups are fine. I just want to have a (large) meal and talk. Feeders and gainers would be nice for encouragements sake, but I can be fine with trying to outdo a feedee😁
9 months

Feedism in movies

In City Island (2006), Ezra Miller’a character is a feeder who likes big woman, and it’s not portrayed as a negative thing.

I just watched this, and not only is it not portrayed as a negative thing, it's actually the most benign of all the secrets. If it's even a secret.
9 months

Are female feeders unicorns?

My guess: It’s like gamers. At least half of gamers are women, however due to how toxic male gamers can be many women gamers either play single player or don’t use a mic if playing online. I’m sure there’s probably far more feeders who are women than you realize, but most just lurk or aren’t active because of how terrible some men behave. Could also be messages that just say “hey” aren’t compelling enough to merit a reply. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Not wrong. As women who have to be on the look out in general in life for shady shit for our safety, we lurk from a distance. Vibrator, hot pix or stories, we got what we need for a good time. Not only that reason, but a lot of who we do find attractive aren't single or around us. OP is hot, but not around me. So that's a big issue. Plus those of us in the closet irl about feeling this way. A lot of girls are also very demisexual, meaning needing that emotional connection before a sexual one. Which is pretty hard over a website


And the lesbians have it worse than have heterosexual feeders. I've heard some stories where guys think that they can turn a lesbian straight if he woos her enough. It's just sad.

☝️ This right here....no matter whether you're a feeder or feedee.
9 months

The contrast

Love it. I was once the skinny side of it when my ex put on about 150 lbs. Now I think I'd like to try finding a tiny girl to envelope in my fat. Of course she might have to work to fatten me a little more to get there.
9 months

What do you look for when making a friend on here?

I'd say I'm looking for the same as I would on the street. Someone who gets my sense of humor, can hold interesting conversations on various topics, controversial and not, would rather not bother with drama, has a positive energy.
9 months

Online group stuffing

🤔 Is there a specific menu everyone is sitting down with or is it a freestyle free for all? Counting calories could be a challenge if everyone had different menus but a measuring challenge could work in a free for all.
10 months

Lack of lesbians in the feedism community

We're out here, just normally in a land far far away. 🤣🤣😥
10 months
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