I will start with mine. Warning my story is the least interesting haha.
When I was around 6-8 years old I used to frequently watched The Little Mermaid on VHS. Me and my family were dining at a Sharis and I would copy that one scene where Ariel would comb her hair with a fork. My parents were amused by my imitation. Makes me curious did anyone else used to do this as a kid?
By the way! Please no generation bashing or morbid memories. I am aiming for a positive discussion. Embarrassing memories are ok, maybe.
I did something similar. One of if not the first voice impression I ever did was Steve Urkel.
1 week
Hey All -
Does anyone want to chat all things pregnancy/gaining from pregnancy? Feel free to message me or kik at spx797.
A woman looking pregnant even though she’s not, is the ultimate flex 💪🏾 😍😍😍
2 weeks
I make ALL my pigs squeal. It’s a requirement 😉👅
2 weeks
Parents forcing their children to do something, or not do something is a sure way to get the opposite as soon as they leave home. I knew an adult who spent every Saturday morning watching cartoons because she was not allowed to watch them as a child.
Man you just triggered some old memories that forgot about with this comment
2 weeks
Jazzmine! 😍😍😍
She was my friend and crush! I was 11and she was 14 so her body was starting to develop and naturally I was attracted to her curves. We already had a bickering friendship and I used that as an excuse to wrestle with her all the time. And she knew it cause she never wrestled back, she would just giggle. Mind you, she was strong as hell. It became a torrid spring romance 💪🏾
2 weeks
I didn’t even bother reading that. Let’s just agree to keep our distance from each other 🤷🏾♂️
2 weeks
Hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔. How can I put this tactfully?
When I see a big belly, I experience wonder pants feelings 😊
2 weeks
Anyone else forced into sports at a young age? Most of my life I've worked hard and worked out nearly every day to be a basketball and vollyball player.
But it wasn't my thing and now I feel like eating and enjoying myself and not being an athlete.
Ugh idk anyone get me?
Now, as for the forced into sports at a young age. My mom forced me into track & field because she hated the fact that I did martial arts. Tbh, that’s one of the reasons why I don’t like running to this day. And also, when I was running track, I wasn’t lifting weights anymore so my legs continued to get disproportionately bigger while my arms didn’t. One day, one of the girls on the team asked “why you got arms like a girl?” And I never forgot that, that’s one of the reason why prioritize arms in my bodybuilding routines to this day. In fact, I’ll have mesocycles where I strictly train arms.
So yeah, I definitely know what you by being forced into a sport that you never cared about and getting a body that you wanted. And how it effects you mentally and emotionally
2 weeks
Anyone else forced into sports at a young age? Most of my life I've worked hard and worked out nearly every day to be a basketball and vollyball player.
But it wasn't my thing and now I feel like eating and enjoying myself and not being an athlete.
Ugh idk anyone get me?
That’s actually a pretty common thing. If you notice when most pro athletes retire, they end up fat for that very reason. In fact, there’s a a lot of feedees and gainers in this community that are ex athletes and jocks
2 weeks