9 month cruise gain

I hope something like this really exists lol, I'd love to just be on a 9 month cruise where I'd do nothing but eat, lounge around and get fatter.
4 months

Fattening farm/ factory

Man I'd love to go to a fattening farm and just blow up. It'd be nice to sit around and just get fatter.
4 months

Social stigma and friends

I mainly have friends who are the larger side, but honestly even my skinnier friends never treated me any different. These days though I don't have many friends that I hang out with on a daily basis, just because I'm introverted and prefer the company of my spouse more than the company of other people. I will say that the body positive movement has really come a long way since the 00's and 10's, but you're always going to have those people who claim that they "care about you" and think being obese is unhealthy. (Which of course if you're going to gain in a unhealthy way you're most likely going to get health issues.) In reality they only say they care about you just to further push you to lose weight by being fatphobic. Really it's similar to those who are transphobic too, they claim their "concerns" come from a place of being "caring" when in reality they have no clue what they're even talking about. They just want to push their ideology on others and don't want you to be happy with the body you have or are working on achieving.
4 months

What do you collect?

I collect video games, I do play them here and there but I have games in my growing collection that I haven't even touched yet. :V I'm subscribed to Retro Game Treasure, so I get three to five games every month sent to my house. I also have been collecting a few Funko pop figures too, I just need to get a few more Raven ones then I'll have all the Raven pops, the Sonic ones are going to be hard to get since there's some old ones that go for hundreds of dollars. :\
4 months

Budget gaining

I suggest using fast food apps to order your food, not only can you find some cheap meals you can earn points that you can use to get free food later down the line. Shop at places like Aldi, they have the cheapest soda you can buy. You can also get some food from Dollar Tree, they're no longer a dollar but their frozen meals are cheaper than going to a big grocery store. You can stock up on a lot of frozen meals and snacks. Though if you're wanting to gain in a healthy matter then Aldi would be your best bet.
4 months

Nature versus nurture?

For as long as I can remember, I was always fascinated with fat.I remember watching the music video for Weird Al's parody of bad called Fat, and seeing all the fat people and Weird Al in a fat suit did something lol. After that I would start to stuff my shirt with pillows and I remember my younger sister and cousins doing this too. Maybe they were just following my lead since I was older. Anyways I also loved seeing cartoon characters get fat, I even somewhat remember bringing up the topic of fat when I was young since I guess I told my mom I wanted to be fat, since she tried to explain to me that being fat was bad. In my child mind I thought if you got too fat you would explode and that's why it was "bad".

Fast forward to when I was a teenager and hitting puberty I started to gain weight because I was super hungry all the time. I remember I mistakenly mentioned again that I wanted to be fat, and my parents weren't happy with that response. They tried scaring me into not wanting to get fat by talking about my best friend's sister who was very obese, and how she would have to go to the hospital here and there. My grandmother would bring me over to her house after school and have me run on her treadmill to lose the weight I gained after hitting puberty. Then when I joined FF in 2010, I started to purposely gain weight and I gained about 30 lbs not long after I joined the community. I remember my grandmother wanted to gift me a gym membership for Christmas lol, I obviously didn't take that offer. Needless to say I've always had a thing for fat, not really sure how it came to be. I have a few bigger people in my family but not many people in my family are big. I assume it's just nature for me, there's something about fat that just feels good. Not only does it turn me on, it just feels right to be bigger and I'm not even 100% near the right size yet. (But I'm not too actively gaining right now since I want to get top surgery. I just have to find the right surgeon that can operate on people with a bmi of over 40...)
4 months

Has your belly button become deeper and wider as you gain weight?

Yep my belly button has definitely gotten deeper and wider as I’ve gained weight. I can imagine it’s only going to get deeper the fatter I get!
5 months

How big of a belly do you want?

I want my belly to completely cover my genitals, that way my spouse will have to lift my belly up to get to the goods. It'd be nice to have a belly that hangs that low and feel it jiggle back at forth as I attempt to waddle.
6 months

Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?

Not one other demographic has to deal with such an aggressive level of hate and bias across the board from personal, social and professional. Well they do actually, however this is not considered acceptable behavior. It's literally illegal to discriminate against people based on race, creed and religions, known as Hate Crimes. Yet perfectly acceptable to hound and catcall or shame random fat people in public as nobody bats an eye or quietly agrees that fat people deserve it.

Trans people get the same terrible treatment. It's been really bad as of late, and I feel both fatphobia and transphobia has unfortunately been gaining traction as of late. It's because certain people in society look down at you for being out of the "norm". They can't comprehend that we're working on making our bodies the way we want them to look. So they make fun of us or call us freaks since we don't follow the traditional ways of society.
6 months
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