Experimental gain q. 2

I think its necesary more than 10% to know it. Al least 15% or 20%
11 years

Advices about weight gain

I used to weight 75 kg 3 years ago and last march I reached 95 kg. All my family was saying every time that I got fat and I must lose weight.

I love play football and ride bicicle, but with the overweight it was difficult to do it without get exhausted.

Now I decided to lose weight till maybe go back to 85 kg, but in a future I would love to get fat again and finally reach 100 kg or more because I love to eat and I felt very good with the extra weight.

If I have a girlfriend or a family who accepts that I won't have any problem into getting really fat, but nots my case.
11 years

This or that?


Samsung or Iphone?
11 years

A milestone of fatness reached

good job!!

you are a role model for me.
11 years

2012..how did you do?

I went from 180 to 210, and I hope in 2013 at least to reach 225.
11 years

Just how fat are you?

my BMI is 29,51 now, I hope to reach 30 at the end of Christmas and enter to the obesity level.
11 years

New here

hi. if you come to spain i will be your feeder. if not i can support your gaining in the distance
11 years

Pros n cons of being fat

Me too. I don't like shopping, and I work in a bank and buy new suits its too expensive.
11 years


I started at 170 lbs half and a year ago and I'm now 205 lbs.

I feel good and I like the new me, but people surronding me don't think the same.

Maybe 300 lbs is so many weight for me, but 250 will be fine, but not will be easy.
11 years

The negatives of being fat.

I'm getting big and I love it, but I'm a little afraid about problems of being big.

By the moment I'm having problems to find nice clothes but not health problems. If in a future health problems come to me maybe I will go on a diet, but now I enjoy food a lot.
11 years
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